Example sentences of "led he [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The guy let him carry his own case and led him through into the concourse where the English driver from the Embassy pool was waiting .
2 She took hold of his hand and led him over to the small bed .
3 The captain took Corbett by the sleeve , led him over to them and tapped one of the players on the shoulder .
4 McGowan took Jed by the arm and led him over to the cardboard box .
5 She led him over to the Fashion desk where Felicity was sitting , a vision of crystalline beauty and sparkling efficiency .
6 He took Ranulf 's hand , led him over to the gibbet and pushed his hand between the iron bars until the tips of his fingers touched the decaying flesh of the hanged man , just above where his heart had been .
7 Not our questions about the problem of God , but God 's call and invitation to us determined the direction of his thought and shaped his writing ; and it was this basic orientation that led him on to the restatement of christological and trinitarian dogma as the foundation and horizon of theology itself .
8 From this he deduced that the boiler was too small and this led him on to wondering why the engine was so inefficient .
9 Instead , David pointed out landmarks they passed and eventually Julia led him on to talk about his childhood holidays at Fiesole .
10 Her trembling gave him the impression of her own passion being fuelled , which in its turn led him on to further , and deeper caresses .
11 But Shuckburgh 's long exposure to the whims and sensibilities of Eden and Churchill led him on at least one occasion to comment favourably on Eisenhower and Dulles as political leaders .
12 The old man took Yanek by the hand , led him up to the castle door , and knocked .
13 A bell tolled , the sign for Compline , and Lady Amelia led him down through the darkened cloister out across the grass to the church .
14 I watched as he engaged a man who led him down to a boat ; they climbed in , and the man began to haul away on his oars .
15 Esther was saying , returning to the guest list , recalling scores not settled a quarter of a century ago : ‘ Yes , the very man , he 's a something or other in the DES , he 's a very important chap now , you ought to have a go at him , ’ Liz replied , and as she spoke the doorbell rang , and there was the first guest , on the dot of two minutes past nine o'clock , tall , thin , grey , anxious , clutching a bunch of yellow roses , ex-priest turned analyst Joseph O'Toole , standing stranded on the black and white marble tiles , not knowing where to turn , how to divest himself of his coat , to whom to deliver his roses , a lost man , gazing mildly at the unexpected butler , waiting for the arrival of familiar Liz Headleand , who advanced upon him , took the roses , embraced him , restored him , and led him in to Charles , Alix and Esther : a quarter of an hour earlier she had predicted the time of his arrival accurately , to the minute , and now smiled triumphantly as she effected the introductions , a smile of complicity in which Joseph O'Toole , who was acutely aware of his own punctuality problem , was able with a pleasant relief to share .
16 Instead , I led him in by secret ways , going round the Hospital of St Katherine , past the Tower , to Custom House on the corner of Thames Street near the Woolquay .
17 They beat him up in the alleyway , tied his hands and led him off to the Marshalsea .
18 After exchanging a few words with him , she led him off into a corner .
19 With Endill 's help , she led him back to the sick bay .
20 She took his arm with an easy familiarity and , turning away from Constance , led him back to his table saying , ‘ Now , you darling man , tell me how such a bizarre thing happened . ’
21 She led him back to school kindly .
22 He led him back along the wooden gantry to the steps .
23 And slowly , luring him with the chocolate wrapping , he led him back towards the feeding-place .
24 How I led him out of the garden and into a rough and stony place where naught but thistles and brambles grow !
25 Two policemen forcibly took her arms from around her son , and led him out to the car to join his sister .
26 Corbett wanted to leave Kinghorn quickly before the captain or Alexander began to question him , so , once he had finished his meal , he went to the stable and , saddling the garron , led him out towards the main gate .
27 Senga took her brother 's hand and led him out into the hall .
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