Example sentences of "provides [art] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 When deciding the environment of the system being modelled , keep in mind the simple definition that applies in this context , ie it influences but does n't control the system , and also the notion that the environment provides the inputs to the system and receives the outputs from it .
2 You are the person who actually provides the day to day care for residents .
3 The roof structure provides the base to which insulating and roof covering materials can be attached in order to keep the building weathertight .
4 As in a Hammer horror film , the anticipation of something dreadful provides the engine to this dream — the seven bearded men 's appalling appearance was not for instance immediately apparent , and even though they removed his clothes and started to eat , there was no explicit imagery of himself implicated in the cannibalistic orgy , tasting flesh — presumably his own .
5 That sentence from the Red Consultative Document provides the clue to the major misunderstanding which so often links those with very different views .
6 It is this last comment which provides the clue to the better definition ( though not necessarily precise specification ) of project cash flows .
7 A study of these perceptions and attitudes thus provides the clue to the understanding of significant tendencies in the countries of the Third World .
8 The Thatcherite stress on social discipline and the ‘ strong state ’ provides the link to the central Conservative tradition , while the accent on market economics simply establishes Thatcherism as an expression of the ‘ libertarian ’ strand of that tradition .
9 A key at the back of the book provides the answers to the exercises plus any tapescripts not given in the exercises themselves .
10 The ultimate aim of the advertising planner is to develop an advertising strategy which provides the answers to two superficially straightforward questions :
11 The Holy Spirit , the Paraclete , provides the answer to both problems .
12 A background of professional investment management , coupled with a tradition of over 160 years successful investment performance , provides the key to the continuing success of the Clerical Medical Investment Group .
13 It is the second example cited in this text which provides the key to these dispositions of contentment .
14 This point provides the key to the full meaning of the many arguments in pamphlet form — and on occasion in parliamentary debate — which underlined the brutalities and cruelty of the slave trade .
15 It also provides the key to the translation of high culture by emphasizing the importance of attaining knowledge about abstract and esoteric subjects .
16 To most analysts , the way in which Congressional committees operate provides the key to understanding maps such as those displayed here .
17 The way in which culture is itself understood provides the key to grasping the extraordinary convergence between left and right , antiracist and avowedly racist over precisely what race and racism add up to .
18 They claim that the private ownership of capital provides the key to explaining class divisions .
19 Tone provides the context to the words .
20 Any ferret can carry the transmitting device that provides the signal to be picked up by the hand-held locator .
21 The valuer does the work pursuant to his contract of employment and the society provides the report to the borrower pursuant to the contract between them .
22 Furthermore , if there are later versions of modules in a directory , it provides the option to automatically enter them into LIFESPAN , provided the module entry conditions are satisfied ( e.g. an active DC exists on a package in the structure , which is owned by the specified user ) .
23 Durkheim 's work marks the turning point between evolutionism and functionalism and provides the bridge to Malinowski and Radcliffe-Brown , the authentic founders of modern social anthropology .
24 State funding of the arts and of opera in particular is not even remotely capable of maintaining the status quo , and precious little of the commercial sponsorship that provides the lifeline to all the major opera companies is targeted at contemporary works .
25 I printed the first-level solution to this most unbogus futuristic game a couple of issues back , now Richard Beckett from York ( he of Dizzy solution fame ) provides the solutions to Level Two , Three and Four .
26 This provides no impediment to the exclusion of evidence under sections 76 or 78 of PACE should the facts merit such exclusion , for those sections can be triggered without any express breach being shown .
27 The call of ethnicity or language provides no guidance to the future at all .
28 The call of ethnicity of language provides no guidance to the future at all .
29 And it provides no answer to the question that tears at one 's heart : why , why on earth — why ?
30 The bridge provides a link to a small island for the salmon fishermen and is erected in May and dismantled in September .
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