Example sentences of "put [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Zero temperatures and snow flurries should n't put off the winter visitor either because a visit to Boston — whether for Christmas shopping or a New Year break — will leave you glowing .
2 This clip fixing of slipped slates is merely an expedient which can not forever put off the day when the permanent refixing or renewal of the entire roof covering is necessary .
3 Brown can not be deputy leader for the straightforward reason that an all-Scottish ticket would put off the English .
4 But the East Anglian company says that Morland can only put off the takeover , and not stop it .
5 Although in his heart he knew that the war was unwinnable , he determined that he would put off the end for as long as possible .
6 The Christian Democratic prime minister , Giulio Andreotti , is afraid that his Socialist coalition partners will walk out on him if the referendums look like going ahead this year ; by provoking a general election , the Socialists would automatically put off the referendums for at least 12 months .
7 Oh we used to hole underneath the coal and er and then er Oh oh we used to have a ringer That was a long steel ringer that you could put behind the slines in the slines and lever the coal off you see ?
8 And these were put on and then one after the other would put onto the van and they would come right up to this height .
9 I mean , th tha tha that 's interesting what you said , because you said how to avoid sexual diseases and to er avoid getting pregnant , are those the basics of sex education or or what more would put onto the list of things that you would teach ?
10 which we 're gon na put along the top of the house .
11 So that we have got a disk which we can put into the machines down there in the computer room , a whole lot of transcriptions that they 've already made .
12 Then you did n't put into the bay here ? ’
13 He 'll p , all he , all the money we get we 'll just put into the building society and pay the bills from the building society .
14 do n't let's , do n't let's try and assume the , all we 're , all we 're trying to do is to gather together the bit that we can put into the pot , and to present it in a logical fashion , to say , if this , then we belief that , and if that , then we believe the other ,
15 Erm so who do we put into the suggestion of perhaps you will look at that with a very serious and maybe sort of er or by to take seventy three million .
16 My mother , who came from a staunchly ‘ church ’ family , used to express her antipathy when she often declared , ‘ He 's nothing but a chapel dodger , ’ and it 's difficult to describe the scorn that she would put into the phrase .
17 Mr Smith 's motion , which he will put before the council as soon as possible , says this will increase the weekly bills of all households , but will particularly affect pensioners and others on low incomes .
18 But an object contemplated for its beauty alone spontaneously attracts the spectator and rouses him to expand and intensify his awareness of it ; and however much or little trust he may put in the formulation of aesthetic standards , he evaluates it by his reaction at the unsustainable height of concentration when he is responding to all his information at once .
19 Which fuse should they put in the plug ?
20 This is amazing because in Cornwall they would put in the gas for nothing .
21 Put the farmer and his wife in the farmhouse , and what shall we put in the barn ?
22 Richard get off the back of it or I 'll put in the buggy .
23 To give a practical example let us put in the middle of our solenoid a magnetic material of high unc as shown in Fig. 3.9 .
24 You could put in the middle .
25 The plaintiff must then put in the notes of evidence from the magistrates ' court ( or the Crown Court ) with a r21 notice and apply for directions under r28 in order to force the defendant to call all the witnesses from the magistrates ' court to give evidence in the civil trial .
26 And , we 're not in doing , not intend telling you at the er , proposals we will put in the budget , but I can give you an assurance at this point in time , that we shall be borrowing money .
27 What type of poster(s) will you put in the windows ?
28 Now most of the forms in this pack you can put in the storage binder because they 're going to be absolutely useless for you .
29 Well I 'd put in the cerise and have all the jacquard colours , it , it would look very effective
30 The third element and the fourth element erm I I think relate more to location questions to do with the new settlement , and I propose to deal with those under the legal heading of two C , the next item is that the proposal can be considered alongside policies of restraint , and that is exactly how the proposal for the new settlement has emerged , it is a response to the er proposed greenbelt around York city , and obviously we can put in the greenbelt that there is severe erm policies of restraint operating at er on on the terms of new development .
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