Example sentences of "include the [noun sg] and " in BNC.

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1 They include the SHELLYCOAT and the URISK .
2 Finally , as we have indicated , other bodies validating courses in public sector higher education include the Technician and Business Education Councils , in respect of their higher diplomas and certificates , and the professional bodies .
3 ( 4 ) Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine and the neuter , words in the singular include the plural and words in the plural include the singular .
4 3.3 Words importing one gender include all other genders and words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa
5 Their duties include the determination and monitoring of policy but there has not been research into this or any aspects of Probation Committees ' work .
6 Honours courses at present offered include the art and society of Minoan and Mycenaean Greece , the archaeology of Greek sanctuaries and of the Greek city-state ; Etrusco-Italian studies ; and on the Roman side , evidence for burial customs and funerary art , and for state propaganda in the visual arts .
7 Over a number of years AEA has been actively transferring technology developed in other sectors into the area of healthcare , where we are involved in a wide range of activities which include the development and full-scale clinical trials of new medical products .
8 These environments include the home and each individual member of the immediate and extended family .
9 Other Oriental breeds include the Birman and the Burmese from Burma , the Turkish Van cat , the Japanese Bobtail , the Egyptian Mau cat , the Abyssinian cat from what is now Ethiopia , the Russian Blue , the Singapura from Singapore , and the Korat from Thailand .
10 Areas where soil will still be damaged in 2005 include the Lake and Peak District , the Pennines , Snowdonia , and the southern uplands and south-east highlands of Scotland .
11 Major activities of a non-routine type include the preparation and transmission of letters , memos , reports and various other documents .
12 Some tariffs quote terms which include the accommodation and breakfast .
13 Particular research interests in the department include the sociology and history of nursing , theory development , family nursing , social change , transcultural nursing , ethical issues in nursing , professional stress , nursing education and management .
14 These include The Tomb and the Tiara : curial tomb sculpture in Rome and Avignon in the later Middle Ages by Julian Gardner of the University of Warwick ( £75 ) ; Cloister Design and Monastic Reform in Toulouse ; the Romanesque sculpture of La Daurade by Kathryn Horste ( £80 ) ; An Architectural History of Norwich Cathedral by Eric Fernie ( £60 ) ; Giambattista Piazzetta by George Knox ( £70 ) ; and Alfred Waterhouse 1830–1905 : biography of a practice by Colin Cunningham and Prudence Waterhouse ( £80 ) .
15 These all originate on the stipes and include the levator and depressor of the palp , the flexor of the galea and the stipital flexor of the lacinia. to .
16 They include the levator and depressor of the trochanter , tibia and tarsus and the levator of the pretarsus .
17 The other offences include the number and manner of carrying of passengers being dangerous or potentially dangerous ; insecure or dangerous load ; and using a motor vehicle for an unsuitable purpose .
18 Matters under consideration include the role and training of trustees , fundraising , management education , public relations and financial accountability .
19 Animal residues include the urine and dung of domestic stock — poultry droppings , pig , cattle , sheep , and horse dung — dried blood , slaughterhouse refuse , powdered hoof and horn , fish manure , sewage sludge , and shoddy .
20 These include the Savinjski and Kamniški Alps , which attain heights of over 2,000 m ( 6,560 ft ) , and the high plateau of Pohorje , near Maribor , which rises to over 1,300 m ( 4,260 ft ) .
21 These features of family life — which it should be re-emphasized are indicators of , rather than the reasons for , problems — include the age and maturity of the parents , burdens carried by a family , consistency and change in the lives of children , dynamics and support within the family , and the experiences and characteristics of individual family members .
22 Species killed include the robin and chiffchaff .
23 This include the placement and manipulation of text , formulae , graphs and picture objects on a worksheet screen to create , say , a report .
24 The Parliamentary Commissioner Act of 1967 established the office of Parliamentary Commissioner for Administration , whose main task is to investigate complaints of citizens who claim to have suffered injustice in consequence of maladministration by central government departments , which include the Health and Safety Executive and the Department of the Environment , in the exercise of their administrative functions .
25 These include the introduction and partnering scheme ‘ matchmaker ’ , which operates within Scotland and outside ; information provision over a range of issues from development to funding ; training and accreditation ; and collaboration with manufacturers and standards bodies .
26 These include the mobile and predatory crabs and lobsters , the echinoderms — starfish , brittle-stars , sea-urchins and sea-cucumbers ; molluscs such as the predatory whelk , and octopuses .
27 Nicholsons ' pubs for the most part are architectural gems in their own right and include The Blackfriar and The Argyll Arms in Central London and the Prince Alfred in Maida Vale amongst their number .
28 Departmental interests in this area include the design and development of mechatronic products and systems , microprocessor based instrumentation control and signal processing .
29 Areas that deserve attention within the mortuary building include the design and work flow of the rooms , cleaning and disinfection regimes , availability of hygiene facilities , usage of equipment and staff training .
30 Other influences include the supply and availability of cigarettes to young people , their price and promotion , and the example of adults , especially those who may be role models for young people .
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