Example sentences of "use them [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 Ranald , do you find a rock the size of these two , and we 'll use them as a base for the first skep .
2 They can let successful managers use them as a kind of bonus or incentive .
3 You could use them as a decorative device on invitations , or as part of the design on your personal writing paper .
4 Do not use visual aids for the sake of using them and do not use them as a defence to hide behind if you are nervous .
5 As in war , you could use them as a screen behind which your knights could withdraw and wait until they were ready to charge .
6 Do you use them as a raft , or just throw them to the sharks and sort of watch them sink ?
7 ‘ Instead of selling the offices which we 've taken over in the village , you could use them as a workshop and studio , ’ he suggested .
8 Sometimes she would use them on a Sunday morning and I would say : ‘ Well , you ca n't have talked to that many people in Beccles since last night . ’
9 ‘ Where the occupier of premises agrees for reward that a person shall have the right to enter and use them for a mutually contemplated purpose , the contract between the parties ( unless it provides to the contrary ) contains an implied warranty that the premises are as safe for that purpose as reasonable care and skill on the part of anyone can make them . ’
10 ‘ But now I can use them for a different trade . ’
11 Why they did not use them in a manner that would almost certainly have sealed the fate of the French at Verdun seems to us almost incredible , and so indeed it seemed to contemporary German critics .
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