Example sentences of "directly on to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In its place , service stations were to be required to install vapour traps directly on to petrol pumps .
2 All wood floors suitable for d-i-y installation can be laid directly on to floor boards or concrete floors , assuming that they are level and , in the case of concrete , that there is a damp-proof course to stop any damp from reaching the floor .
3 Computer graphics can produce an image in a variety of ways , on a video screen , for example , or directly on to film .
4 Descent : Routes on the left half of the cliff join a terrace which leads easily left to the broad descent rake known as Ledge Route ; those on the right lead to the top of the buttress and directly on to Ledge Route .
5 We soon discovered the reason why — the floorboards had been laid directly on to earth . ’
6 Painting food colour directly on to icing and marzipan instead of kneading it in has a number of advantages .
7 The reader may prefer to move directly on to Section 3 ‘ The OED and the Future ’ .
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