Example sentences of "directly [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 Only two years ago I myself wrote an essay which uses all three of these mechanisms directly about Rose of Lima : it diagnoses her ‘ problem ’ as a sado-masochistic relationship to God , it relates this causally to a religious culture which is viciously sexist and heterosexist , and it suggests that we deal with all this by growing up into spiritual maturity and putting such alarming eccentricities behind us .
2 The Russian law on citizenship , adopted in November 1991 , extended that privilege not only to the population of the Russian Federation but also to those living in other republics who requested it , and the Russian defence minister , Pavel Grachev , made it clear that fellow nationals would be defended ‘ wherever they live ’ ; Vice-President Rutskoi called more directly for recognition of the Dnestr republic , and the Foreign Ministry intervened when it appeared that the civil rights of Russian speakers in the newly independent Baltic republics were being infringed .
3 In general Parker Morris standards and yardstick limits made the development of small numbers of houses in rural locations very uneconomical , and , in response to this and other criticisms , their discontinuation was announced in January 1980 ; instead , cost estimates and project details were to be submitted directly for Department of the Environment approval .
4 In the case of an extreme emergency , a red alert , there is a method of getting a brief coded message to him directly via Voice of America .
5 It does not deal directly with possession of weapons , nor with the legitimacy of resort to war in the first place .
6 To this day , most of the important concepts in pragmatics are drawn directly from philosophy of language .
7 By manipulating ornaments on models we were able to eliminate two factors that can confound mate choice experiments involving manipulation of living birds : ( 1 ) intrasexual competition , and ( 2 ) behavioural changes in a live bird resulting directly from manipulation of its ornament .
8 For my part , I think it would be open to the English courts to apply the civil law maxim directly to the situations we have in these two appeals , and treat the two plaintiffs as lives in being at the times of the events which injured them as they were later born alive , but it is not necessary to do so directly in view of the effect which the Montreal Tramways case [ 1933 ] 4 D.L.R. 337 has already had in the development of the common law in this field in other common law jurisdictions .
9 You rinse the media , and add one bag per 55 gallons to your filter ( or directly in path of water flow as it says on the packet ) remembering to replace it every 3 to 6 months .
10 Although the authorities are directly in charge of broadcasting , governments are not without considerable powers over broadcasting .
11 With Queipo de Llano in direct command of the Army of the South , Franco retained supreme control over the Nationalist forces , but was not directly in charge of how operations were handled on the ground .
12 Little short of a revolution has taken place inside the cabin , with the traditional Rolls/Bentley facia being superseded by a more modern arrangement siting the bulk of the instruments directly in front of the driver .
13 Apart from a small stepped garden directly in front of the house , the grounds were neglected and overgrown , making the terrace steps difficult to negotiate and allowing grass to undermine the paving stones on the long front terrace .
14 The Grand National course narrows approaching the winning post and bends round to the left immediately after , and with crowds manically screaming at him in the stands and on both rails and directly in front of him it would hardly be surprising if Devon Loch had suddenly been startled by the deafening noise .
15 The reflector glass can be positioned directly in front of the speaker but I prefer to use wing glasses on either side because it lessens the barrier with the audience and leaves more room for photography .
16 When he was directly in front of the car , his father accidentally threw the car into drive instead of reverse .
17 Directly in front of the main entrance , the central avenue was already flanked by the futuristic blue and white towers of the Scottish Avenue and the Pavilions , with the Palace of the Arts closing the end of the triumphal space .
18 The minor irritation on returning to the car is that it is directly in front of you as you descend to the north , but there is nowhere to cross the river .
19 One skipped up the steps and passed directly in front of her , brushing against her .
20 Agnes stood directly in front of her mother now as she said , ‘ Would it do you any harm either to go down into the shop or to go over to the house and change the linen ?
21 Standing directly in front of him , his face calm and assured , he demanded five hundred rupees as compensation .
22 She disarmed herself , putting her grenades and pistol down on to the floor , and standing directly in front of the spy hole , but some ten feet away .
23 Suddenly , directly in front of him , Little Billy saw the trunk of an enormous tree .
24 It has dedicated its Canadian historical collection to one of the art world 's more radical attempts to engage the spectator : one room mimics a nineteenth-century salon , with scores of paintings crammed one above the other to the advantage of none ; another gallery , devoted to the famed Group of Seven , contains a pew-like bench set directly in front of Tom Thomson 's ‘ West Wind ’ ( a national icon ) and two landscapes by Lauren Harris , rigged with telephones providing a soundtrack on the artists .
25 Pick a target that lies directly in front of the cannon and which you can see .
26 Boats and hydrofoils operate from directly in front of the hotel which owes much of its charm to the owners , who offer a personal service and excellent home-cooking .
27 A volley of bullets immediately peppered the ground directly in front of the doorway , confirming her worst fears .
28 A nylon Firebird sleeping bag was laid out on the floor directly in front of the door , obviously being used as a makeshift pillow .
29 The voice was soft and feminine , coming from the shadows directly in front of him .
30 It took a few minutes for his eyes to adjust to the dimness , and he remained still , blinking hard , making out the man standing directly in front of him holding the shotgun , while on the stairs to his left another person — a woman ? — was also holding what looked like a small pistol on him .
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