Example sentences of "directly [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In line with the 1992 Further and Higher Education Act , colleges will now be responsible for managing their own budgets and the Government will hold the purse strings , funding them directly through a national FE Funding Council.Once considered the Cinderella of education , further education is now being promoted as the fairy godmother with the ability to improve post-16 education and training , stem the drop-out and failure rates and make Britain economically competitive once more .
2 We find that , instead of reducing Fe(III) indirectly through the production of sulphide , some of these bacteria can reduce Fe(III) directly through an enzymatic mechanism , producing siderite rather than iron sulphides .
3 A new Constitution was approved by referendum in December 1979 , providing for an executive president elected by universal adult suffrage for a seven-year term , and a National Assembly , which in practice has limited powers , elected directly for a five-year term .
4 An executive President would be head of state ; holders of this office would in future be elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
5 The head of state is the executive President , elected directly for a maximum term of five years and limited to a maximum of two such terms .
6 Five years ago , increasingly concerned about the environment , he decided to work directly for an environmental group .
7 Providing that the interview is well structured , it should not be too difficult to produce a proof of evidence that can be used directly as a formal witness statement for exchange .
8 But until last Saturday night I had never seen how a major accident ward looked directly after a major accident .
9 In each test , one of them would don a mask painted with either normal-sized eyes or extra-large ones , and then walk directly towards a basking iguana .
10 The pod appeared to be descending directly towards a winding ribbon of water .
11 The performance curves obtained for a new scheme can be compared directly against an ideal set or those found for a previous design .
12 We ambled with a young German couple to the peak of Værøy , some 650 metres directly above an inaccessible golden beach .
13 It can be applied directly onto a stripped wooden surface without the need for primer .
14 Indeed , there was a period about three years ago when it looked as though even 35mm slides might have found a match with the introduction of devices like the VideoShow system which project the image on the computer 's screen directly onto a conventional viewing screen .
15 Teachers retain control of registration — keeping the important element of one-to-one contact — and perform it in the usual time , but instead of noting absences on paper , they feed the information directly onto a portable electronic register which then passes it to the central computer .
16 Water pumped out of building excavations or road works , for example , may be permitted to flow directly into a neighbouring watercourse without a requirement that any solids settle out in the lagoons which are the typical method of purifying similar discharges more permanent in character .
17 Here a great trough that is filled with Caenozoic sediments in northern Java and Sumatra ( where a sediment supply was available ) passes directly into a deep oceanic trough — the famous Flores Deep — where there was no such supply .
18 It is possible to have lawyers ' time recorded on Psions or directly into a terminal but a compromise is for lawyers to complete time sheets manually that are then inputted by a member of the accounts team on to computer .
19 The door from the terrace led directly into a long , somewhat overfurnished salon , cool and dim after the heat and brightness outside , its deep window-sills shaded by closed shutters and crowded with knick-knacks .
20 The SDI gearbox will not fit directly into a SIII but may be fitted with the transfer box conversion as supplied by Ian Ashcroft 0582 761081 or by converting your transfer box and mounting it remotely behind the main gearbox .
21 Vertical Technologies Inc released Scan-One , a device driver that decodes bar-code types and plugs directly into a serial port for SCO Unix .
22 For example , in a narrow town or terrace house where the front door opens directly into a corridor-like space , you could either take the wall down altogether , or make an arch going into the living room , or take the wall down to seating level , literally making a seating ledge .
23 The technology of virtual reality uses a computer to map a user 's body and senses directly into a digital world .
24 With these , a tube is usually inserted into the opening of the bladder so that urine drains directly into a small bag or container .
25 To display CD-I , the player plugs directly into a domestic television .
26 To this juncture , we have discussed the aggregation of individual preferences directly into a public decision .
27 His prescriptions for a ‘ dignified and durable tourism ’ were : first , to limit the number of visitors and levy a $150–200 fee that would go directly into a conservation fund ; second , include conservation awareness as part of the visit ; third , improve the existing facilities rather than build new ; and fourth , work to improve the standard of living in the adjacent city of Siem Reap .
28 Move directly into a high roundhouse kick and stop-punch it
29 The front door opens directly into a large living-come-dining room where the walls have been painted a natural oatmeal colour and the carpet is a plain beige .
30 The oil and gas produced in this way can be pumped directly into a nearby combined heat-and-power plant , while the char can be used either as a fuel in its own right , or for filters .
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