Example sentences of "developed at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the interval , policies were developed at a slower pace than the rate the problems multiplied with which they were intended to deal .
2 A NEW technology developed at a British university , which relieves the symptoms acquired immune deficiency syndrome ( AIDS ) the fatal condition rife among American homosexuals — may languish for lack of extra funds .
3 For these reasons , specialist services have developed at a fast pace within the CAD , as has been seen in the previous chapter .
4 Scottish psychiatric services have developed at a different pace and in a somewhat different form from those south of the border .
5 OPEC petro-dollar surpluses : After the 1973–74 oil price rise the euro-currency markets developed at a rapid pace with banks in most countries establishing overseas branches or subsidiaries in the main financial centres to participate in the petro-dollar deposit pool and to solicit loan custom .
6 It is important that assessment methodologies which will provide valid and reliable results are developed at an early stage .
7 These fundamental initial considerations or ‘ building blocks ’ ( developed by Roy Nicholson ) are applicable to all valuation engagements and enable a skeleton of the valuation to be developed at an early stage :
8 The cell developed at the Swiss Federation Institute of Technology in Lausanne superimposes a light-sensitive dye only one molecule thick on a thin layer of titanium dioxide , a commonly used industrial chemical .
9 Geophysical and borehole evidence for regarding the structure as the surface expression of movements on a Variscan thrust plane developed at the southern margin of the London Platform ( East Anglian — Brabant Massif ) has been summarised by Smalley and Westbrook ( 1982 ) .
10 The support of a British parasitologist Warrington Yorke ( 1883–1943 ) , at the Liverpool Institute of Tropical Medicine , who foresaw the wartime problems well in advance , was most important to a programme of research into antimalarial drugs developed at the Imperial Chemical Industries Research Laboratories at Manchester .
11 The arm was developed at the bio-engineering centre at the Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Centre in Edinburgh , which has a world-wide reputation for the quality of specialist clinical care it provides for people with severe or unusual physical disabilities .
12 In South-west England block and basin limestones and shales and spilitic basic volcanics were laid down in an extensional basin developed at the western end of the Rheno-Hercynian zone .
13 Where necessary , new bridges , such as the Pont Saint-Michel , were built to cross the Seine , whose quays were developed at the same time as arteries for traffic .
14 Similarly , an overemphasis upon bringing doctors into the management process can lead to frustration if good reliable sources of information delivery are not being developed at the same time .
15 The emergence of a set of strategies which encompass the whole institution can be developed at the same time as local links and local issues are given some priority .
16 Towns developed at the same time as the great lowland temples , and are identifiable from about 2000 BC .
17 In this regard , the ISS proposals for units and unit credits were consonant with other changes in secondary schools which were being developed at the same time : graded assessment , where the initial belief that it was simply a matter of devising achievement tests soon gave way to much more fundamental re-thinking about allied development work on curriculum content and teaching method ; and also work on profiles/records of achievement .
18 Coming to London as a young clerk attached to the Board of Trade , it was not long before he began to take an interest in political affairs , and his remarkable gift for public speaking was developed at the old Battersea Parliament , to which belonged many men who have since played important roles in public life … including Stanley ( now Lord ) Buckmaster , John Burns and Horatio Bottomley … .
19 This unforeseen situation developed at the very time when local authorities were also facing the problems of reorganisation and of the introduction of structure planning .
20 It was developed at the Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research by crossing a wild Asian banana with a Brazilian variety .
21 Despite the reports of sleepiness during the day , performance of tasks known to be affected by sleep loss was generally unaffected during this regime ( including two tasks developed at the Medical Research Council Applied Psychology Unit , the Wilkinson Auditory Vigilance Task and the Wilkinson Addition Task ) .
22 It was developed at the Royal Small Arms Factory in Enfield .
23 The new stamp 's been developed at the Royal Mail 's Research and Development Centre in Swindon .
24 The ultrasonic immersion method developed at the National Physical Laboratory uses the measurement of wave velocity on accurately made specimens with parallel sides .
25 But a plan to bring ‘ political awareness ’ into data processing — which will be developed at the next major IBI conference in Havana next year — is creating controversy .
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