Example sentences of "factors which [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Of course , there is a variety of factors which might affect the amount of the subsequent invoice : the supplier might not have 100 boxes , the price may have changed , the manager may have used the wrong price , etc .
2 5 Identify two other factors which might affect the size of the percentage error and conduct an investigation to consider what effect , if any , that these factors have had on the error .
3 There are , however , two factors which might negate or reduce liability .
4 What the defendants had done , was not to enhance the risk that the known factors would lead to blindness , but to add to the list of factors which might lead to blindness .
5 Before commencing an action in the county court under the existing system , the potential plaintiff must consider whether the claim is within the jurisdiction of the court and whether there are factors which might justify use of the High Court instead .
6 There are three principal factors which might contribute to the success of an informal approach to AQC :
7 However , researchers have indicated that the main risk factors which might contribute to the symptoms associated with SBS ( such as eye , nose and throat irritation and fatigue ) include problems relating to ventilation , airborne chemical pollution , micro-organisms contained in airborne dust , high temperatures when combined with low humidity , poor lighting and routine jobs .
8 Use of his self-analysis inventory can help an existing team to diagnose the behavioural factors which might explain its failure or success .
9 There are many factors which might explain this immobility , of which one certainly is the regional variation of house prices considered above .
10 To examine the factors which might explain the higher mortality from sudden infant death syndrome in Maori infants ( 7.4/1000 live births in 1986 compared with 3.6 in non-Maori children ) .
11 Therefore , it is important to try to identify the factors which might assist general practitioners to recognize those patients who are at special risk of attempted suicide .
12 These are some factors to be taken into account ; clearly , further work is needed to identify other risk factors which might alert the general practitioner to the possibility of an attempt .
13 At the same time as recorded levels of crime have increased , so have many other factors which might increase the propensity of the public to report , and the police to record , offences .
14 In a detailed and thorough analysis of possible factors which might account for this difference , J. Walker et al.
15 The judge in instructing the jury sought to direct its attention to certain factors which might have a bearing on whether or not the defendant 's actions were against the complainant 's will .
16 The problems experienced by United Motors at its Dublin plant , which the Englishman advised were the major factors which would influence future investment decisions in Ireland , simply melted away into insignificance under their mellifluous tongues .
17 The factors which would influence you in deciding on the form of business include :
18 Changes in costs and relative prices , stimulation of new technology and the general level of economic growth , were all factors which would determine the employment consequences of the Single Market .
19 That paragraph refers to high quality of environment and agricultural land quality as factors which would have a bearing on the distribution of er erm employment land , and I just want to er assure the panel that I do n't think any of the allocations that we 've made er on the strength of the erm er consultations that we 've entered into would cause problems er for either qual high quality environment or high quality agricultural land .
20 But they did talk about how , if you have a holistic attitude to some one , you have to take account of their social and environmental factors which would take them perhaps into green politics .
21 There are , of course , many factors which would operate to make insider dealing and other conflict abuse less attractive to a company and its directors .
22 Again there are several precipitating factors which may lead to repeated recurrence , with sexual intercourse heading the list , but the attacks will tend to become less frequent and severe .
23 We should also note that there are at least two different factors which may lead us to feel that some notion deserves emphasis ; one of course is contrast with another property that might have been expressed ; the second is salience of the notion within the particular situation envisaged ; this would presumably be true for : ( 16 ) Geraldine told us a long story about bee-keepers With these points in mind , we should now compare ( 15 ) with ( 17 ) and ask ourselves how much emphasis of either kind is present in ( 17 ) , provided that it is not " read in " in order to support the hypothesis : ( 17 ) the ideas discussed will be put to our colonel topics suitable could include divorce and bankruptcy buildings adjacent will be closed for three days Since there is no doubt that these sentences might be used in situations where the property of the adjective would not be contrastive , the only candidate which may have any plausibility is the " salient on this occasion " variety , though there does not seem to be very strong reason to believe that in all cases where these sentences could be used the adjective property will be salient ; we return to this later .
24 The experience of admission to hospital and the possibility of surgery will be different for each individual but it is possible to discuss some of the physical and psychological factors which may contribute to stress and the effects these may have on progress and recovery .
25 Other factors which may relate to lower HDL levels include poor diabetic control , increasing age , obesity , an inverse relationship to serum triglycerides , androgens , smoking and , although controversial , a high carbohydrate dietary intake ( Ganda , 1980 ) .
26 So there are three factors which may stop women getting as good value from credit as men : less awareness of credit costs , and of their rights ; credit-worthiness indicators ( such as employment and housing status ) which tend to be associated with unreliable payers and to be more common with women than with men ; and perhaps occasional outright discrimination .
27 An extrapolation of these figures would indicate an annual turnover of staff from the department as high as 100% — a disquieting percentage even after allowance for the various factors which may accelerate change in a predominantly female workforce . ’
28 There are various factors which may affect the emotional and intellectual development of their children .
29 And local factors which may affect future conversion rates .
30 We have shown how drama may suffer if there are insufficient signals to remind the participants of the real world but there are other factors which may deter entry into the dramatic fiction .
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