Example sentences of "needed [adv] [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Hospitality : More beds are needed especially to accommodate the German team on Thursday , Friday and Saturday nights , and a few for Friday night only for long distance Medau performers — please ask in your classes ( ten mile radius from Croydon or along the route from Dover preferred ) and send offers to .
2 This is not needed merely to run the factories properly — which is what foreign managers ' present jobs mainly amount to .
3 The General Staff ; therefore , pressed for troops to be stationed in Kenya where the climate was more suitable and , in the wake of the Mau Mau campaign , where troops were needed anyway to reassure the White settlers .
4 All too often the change of conditions when the sale is made and the fish is taken home , is all that is needed finally to send the unfortunate creature to that great big goldfish bowl in the sky .
5 The price rises were also needed urgently to close the gap with wholesale prices for raw materials , which had been increased on Jan. 1 , and with the state purchase prices for agricultural produce , which had gone up in 1990 .
6 In much the same way , a good dose of inflation is needed now to facilitate the adjustment to higher taxes .
7 A senior official from the Forestry Office has acknowledged that " official decisions are needed now to address the problems that will emerge in 20 years " .
8 Despite this downward movement , the Central Statistical Office calculates that £2.47 would be needed today to match the buying power of £1 when Mrs Thatcher quoted Saint Francis of Assisi after her first Conservative victory .
9 Blood is needed primarily to detect the presence of antibodies to the treponeme of syphilis , which may indicate either present or past infection .
10 Elsewhere , it was stressed that no one wished to interfere with the ‘ responsible and competent parent ’ , but where they were not so , ‘ action is needed either to reinforce the consciousness or replace the incompetency ’ .
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