Example sentences of "appeared [prep] [art] time " in BNC.

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1 A plan of it had appeared in the Architects ' Journal the previous Friday , and it also appeared in The Times the morning after the Prince 's speech .
2 Indeed , three Conservative MPs — W.J. Anstruther-Gray , J. Scrymgeour-Wedderburn and T.J. O'Connor — had rushed straight from Olympia to Printing House Square to hand in a letter which subsequently appeared in The Times .
3 The following morning a photograph of a dejected-looking Lord Ferrers appeared in The Times , brows furrowed , mouth glum as a basset hound .
4 Before the patient left St Mary 's Hospital , a leading article headed ‘ Penicillium ’ appeared in The Times and a few days later a letter was published from Sir Almroth Wright claiming Fleming as the discoverer of penicillin .
5 Two days after the debate , on 6th August , 1859 , a leader appeared in The Times which not only questioned Scott 's suitability for the appointment , but also the new attitude of the professional architect towards his client .
6 In December a series of articles appeared in The Times by two journalists , Pat Butcher and Peter Nichols , on drug abuse in athletics .
7 He saw to it that notices of the birth appeared in The Times and the Telegraph within another twenty-four hours .
8 During 1970 and 1971 a series of articles and editorials appeared in the Times on the poor quality of TVZ transmissions , particularly on the Copperbelt .
9 Dyson then went about the task of enlisting support for the organisation , a process which was successful , as can be seen from the thirty-three signatories ( including Lord Attlee , the Bishops of Birmingham and Exeter , Isaiah Berlin , Julian Huxley , Bertrand Russell ) to the letter that appeared in The Times in March 1958 .
10 Although it is difficult to assess its importance , on the eve of the second reading debate a letter appeared in The Times , signed by eight peers , including Lord Devlin .
11 " I 'm referring to a leading article which appeared in The Times concerning the Exhibition and which I should like to read you ( by a fortunate chance I happen to have it on my person ) .
12 Happily , a footnote in her diary for 19 December 1975 states that , ‘ His letter , condemning industrial action by the consultants , duly appeared in The Times on 22 December 1975 . ’
13 THE OBITUARY APPEARED in The Times the next day , Tuesday 11th December .
14 Paintings of angels with guns appeared at a time when the religious orders were confronted with the stubborn persistence of pre-conquest religion amongst their Indian charges .
15 Apocalypse Now appeared at a time when the political climate in America was shifting to the right , resulting in Reagan 's victory in the 1980 presidential elections .
16 The book appeared at a time of great political and religious excitement and caused a considerable stir .
17 On the one hand there were those introduced by British or British trained educationists because they appeared at the time to represent the ‘ best ’ education ( though naturally criteria for judging quality varied widely ) .
18 ‘ Self-government ’ was thus conceived not as the inevitable prelude to letting India go , as it appeared at the time and has appeared since to eyes less clouded than Montagu 's by belief in the possibility of voluntary servitude , but as the natural means of keeping it .
19 Morel died soon after , but not before he had the bitter pleasure of seeing the Labour Government brought down with the aid of a ‘ red scare ’ engineered , it appeared at the time , by Foreign Office officials .
20 It is important , therefore , not to exaggerate the long-term effects of Anglo-American differences relating to Palestine , however serious they appeared at the time .
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