Example sentences of "thinking [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 No I was just , I was just thinking about the same .
2 No , various European countries started erm thinking about the same idea at the same time , and there are some interesting questions here about why everybody suddenly lit upon this piece of legislation .
3 Two years ago Benazir Bhutto was thinking along the same lines .
4 Nilsson ( 1949 ) , thinking along the same lines , proposes that there was a Goddess of Navigation .
5 ( However , P-E sees a special need for its application in these days of frequently changing corporate cultures and structures : for example , a successful predator might well want to stir up the management of a recent acquisition , and encourage its executives to start thinking along the same lines as their new bosses ) .
6 ‘ So obviously I was thinking along the same lines as him .
7 Even though Blanche 's first question was innocent enough , Dexter knew immediately that the superintendent was thinking along the same lines .
8 Oliver , thinking along the same lines , asked : ‘ Has Joseph previously taken your work ? ’
9 Ward must have been thinking along the same lines , for as the road flattened out and the mist began to glimmer with a strange brightness , he said something about the Promised Land .
10 You could be you could be lured into a position where if , if the management had you by the tails , thinking along the same line , then you could never be an efficient , you know , negotiator .
11 I needed reassurance from many colleagues that they too were thinking along the same lines .
12 The Colonel was thinking along the same lines as me .
13 The national marketing team in London was thinking along the same lines as the Glasgow office on client care and so the decision was reached to use Glasgow as the pilot for a national client care programme
14 A twist to his lips , he added , ‘ I was thinking along the same lines myself when my father pre-empted me . ’
15 He obstinately remained there even when his anger had subsided , and read morning and evening prayers from a little shilling book he had with him , thinking at the same time ‘ with inward & gloomy satisfaction ’ how miserable his mother must be .
16 Thereafter the firm might carefully choose one or two systems and do a thorough conversion job , probably thinking at the same time ‘ there must be another way . ’
17 Thereafter the firm might carefully choose one or two platforms and do a thorough porting job , probably thinking at the same time ‘ there must be another way . ’
18 ‘ Have you found the number ? ’ he bawled to the child in the middle of a difficult run , thinking at the same time that the business of Henry 's going to the analyst for him was actually doing the opposite of freeing his friend .
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