Example sentences of "fully [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Matters came to a climax over Brands Hatch and its aftermath ( a subject fully treated in the chapter on Hunt ) .
2 These two aspects — conflicts of interest and imperfect information — take us into areas that are far from fully treated in the case of the private economy .
3 Whatever the reasons , it is certain that the development of financial conglomerates could not have been fully completed without the radical changes brought about by what in Britain is known as the ‘ Big Bang ’ — the deregulation of the Stock Exchange in October 1986 .
4 On the science of botany he comments that ‘ the lucid order and systematical arrangement of plants was not fully completed until a very recent period , when a Swede first gave lessons and then laws in this interesting science. , This reference to Linnaeus leads on to exchange between Chelsea and Europe .
5 We shall not rest until the government of Britain fully belongs to the citizens it is there to serve .
6 At any rate from 1571 it might well have been very disadvantageous for anyone in the district to openly profess allegiance to the Popish ways and Roman Catholic miners well might have been driven underground — and that is not fully intended as a pun .
7 The firm badly needs this market share to buy time , so it can fully adapt to the new Windows world and carve out a place for itself in the growing groupware market .
8 He was rock hard , fully aroused beneath the rough denim of his bermudas , and she froze , beginning to struggle in nameless fear … completely new emotions were being aroused much too fast .
9 By the time the fleet of ambulances arrived , Elfman had metamorphosized from popular hero to universal laughing-stock and he never fully recovered from the experience .
10 Advertisements do not usually spring fully formed into the mind of an agency 's resident creative genius .
11 Mondrian 's style was fully formed by the time he arrived in New York — ‘ Broadway Boogie Woogie ’ does n't have all that much to do with cruising Broadway .
12 By the sixteenth week the male testes are in position for descent during the last two months of foetal existence and the vagina has fully formed in the female .
13 The Butlin version of the holiday camp prospered in a climate of campaigning for holidays with pay and in a period before packaging had been fully developed as the major way of selling holidays and travel .
14 Designed by Derek Gardner , it was a world-beater ; by the time it was fully developed during the 1971 season , Jackie was again able to run away with the championship , scoring nearly twice as many points as his nearest rival , Ronnie Peterson .
15 Nothing on the exterior , however , prepared one for the stunning exhibition of color , texture , and mural art in the interior , features that constituted a major step in an architectural revolution that was most fully developed in the Century of Progress Exposition in Chicago ( 1933–74 ) .
16 For example , I wonder why there are no English-speaking contributors to the Panofsky centenary conference , even though it is well known that this approach was most fully developed in the English-speaking world .
17 Radio broadcasting introduced a new dimension of communication in the 1920s , and television brought a hint of novelty to the late 1930s without revealing the overwhelming impact it would have when fully developed in the 1950s and after .
18 Unless it is assumed that the original stream had a meander belt of varying width , we must conclude that the meanders have not only been incised but also more fully developed in the more resistant rock .
19 Development of the avionics system for the bat-shaped B-2 bomber is at least two years behind schedule and the system may not be fully developed by the time the aircraft is to be deployed in the middle of the next decade .
20 Since that time , and first fully developed by the Radical wing of the Liberal Party , it has been normal for parties to fight elections on the basis of a manifesto of policy promises .
21 Though other , and earlier , examples are known , the term is normally employed for a typically English technique first evolved in the seventeenth century but not fully developed till the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries .
22 More remarkably , the Mohists appear to have been near to formulating the concept of functional dependence in the relation of motion to time , an idea that was not fully developed until the scientific revolution of the seventeenth century in Europe .
23 Manuscripts fully catalogued during the year include a gathering-up of letters of Sir Walter Scott , papers of Neil Munro , George Scott Moncreiff and Fred Urquhart , the Lesmahagow Missal and other liturgical and biblical manuscripts , and various items from the Advocates ' Manuscripts .
24 There is a big bundle of feathers called the incubator bird which lays its eggs six feet down in the hot black sand , and whose offspring emerge huge and fully feathered against the heat .
25 Full gas fired central heating is installed and the system has been fully overhauled within the last twelve months .
26 A large proportion of the younger generation , growing up during the Nazi era and highly impressionable , had been fully exposed to the suggestive force of propaganda and had succumbed more uncritically than any other section of the population to the emotional appeal of the ‘ Führer myth ’ .
27 The roofs are flat , fully exposed to the rain , made by packing mud on wooden reeds resting on wooden beams .
28 Transmission of infection is occurring both among the young , who may not have been fully exposed to the health education of the mid-1980s , and in older age groups , who may have changed to unsafe sex practices after previously heeding health advice .
29 So in a sense , everything that went on was was erm fully exposed in a sense , everyone
30 But their limitations were fully exposed in the course of the Crimean War ( 1853–56 ) .
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