Example sentences of "to pay [noun sg] to the " in BNC.

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1 He expressed the opinion that the first defendant would be in breach of its duty to the plaintiffs ‘ if it were to agree to pay remuneration to the receiver which was plainly excessive . ’
2 The NFU is pressing the government to pay compensation to the men , who say they are not to blame for their predicament .
3 The ludicrous situation currently exists that , if a National Park does reject a fish farm application , it has to pay compensation to the farmer .
4 After the offender has been convicted , it can order the offender to pay compensation to the victim .
5 We want them to volunteer to pay compensation to the offen Er to the victim , because that way we know that they genuinely have concern over what they 've done and they 've faced up their responsibilities .
6 If the landlord insists on the provision remaining then he should be prepared to pay compensation to the tenant for loss of business if the opening up reveals nothing untoward .
7 He started to pay attention to the fittings in the chancel and the ornaments .
8 For example , we decided to pay attention to the way we looked so we all had our hair cut short — except Wally — and took to wearing Hush Puppies and jeans , a kind of mod look — which was odd considering that Malcolm had a shop which specialised in teddy boy gear .
9 His capacity to persuade people to pay attention to the plight of the less fortunate was constant .
10 His feeding frenzy exhausted , he was torpid , unable to pay attention to the rat in her maze .
11 Using a fluorescent marker to highlight the left side of any reading material , such as a newspaper , can help the patient to pay attention to the whole text instead of just the right half .
12 In most families the parents tend to pay attention to the children when they quarrel , but to pay much less attention when they are playing peacefully together .
13 Allow your filter media to become clogged or fail to pay attention to the use of correct media inside the filter and the worst case scenario of toxic water and dead fish can be the end result !
14 Land Trusts , he thought , should be responsible for the proper exploitation of resources and would need to pay attention to the human and social needs of everyone living in the area .
15 If , for example , I am engaged in reading a text on a subject in which I am well versed ( where the ideational or content schema is familiar ) , which has been written in a manner conventionally associated with writing on this subject ( where the interpersonal or formal schema is familiar ) , then I shall only need to pay attention to the linguistic signs to the extent that they key in this schematic knowledge and indicate how it is to be extended .
16 You will need to pay attention to the first impression you make .
17 The emphasis was going to be on anything exotic , anything excitingly ( or boringly ) new , and any unhealthy tendency to pay attention to the food before all else .
18 This did not lead him to question the principle of majority decisions ; but it did lead him to pay attention to the social , cultural and economic conditions in which the will of all , or the will of the majority , would be more rather than less likely to coincide with " the general will " , by which Rousseau meant what all of us would will if we thought of ourselves not as private individuals but as citizens identifying ourselves with the good of the community .
19 He manages to get every single person in his organization to pay attention to the smallest detail .
20 And hence , to understand stylistic values in literature , we have to pay attention to the functional principles which apply to ordinary language .
21 Any consideration of the North East has to pay attention to the severe reverses of the depression and their consequences for industrial organization , particularly in terms of a continuing delocalization of industrial control through amalgamation in heavy engineering .
22 Moreover , it is difficult for the human mind to pay attention to the interpersonal actions and to the substantive issues at the same time .
23 Not listening was always one of my faults and one of the reasons I so frequently found myself isolated in misunderstanding : like a careless rider , cut off from the company , alone and benighted for failing to pay attention to the prevailing agreements as to intention and direction .
24 But irrespective of the legal position , the character of the teaching process is such that higher education teachers have to pay attention to the expectations and perceptions of their students .
25 He was so occupied with the accuracy of his record that he scarcely had time to pay attention to the narrative as a whole and it was n't until Evans fell silent that the statement jelled in his mind .
26 For example , the British Cabinet has to pay attention to the process of getting its proposed legislation through both houses of Parliament ; this means considering the views and anxieties of its supporters in both houses .
27 Yes , he would have to pay attention to the Director 's thinly veiled warning , and be careful not to become a ‘ weak link ’ …
28 On May 10 the head of the UN 's Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme for Iraq and Kuwait , Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan , claimed that the West had ceased to pay attention to the continuing plight of Shia refugees .
29 Guide books from the mid-twelfth century to " The Wonders of Rome " ( Mirabilia Urbis Rome ) began to pay attention to the pagan monuments and were not just guides to the tombs of the martyrs and the saints .
30 In defining those needs it is important to pay attention to the teacher 's self in the amalgam of teaching , managing , initiating , following and criticizing .
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