Example sentences of "through into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A process of change begins now that filters through into every aspect of your personal life .
2 I did knock at the door , then , when there was no response , took a couple of steps through into a passage floored with stone slabs and containing nothing but some buckets of coal and a rack of ancient clothes , gardening clobber by the look of it .
3 I pulled up in a gateway , Sam jumped out and we went through into a field ; and as the beagle scampered over the glittering turf I stood in the warm sunshine amid the melting frost and looked back at the dark damp blanket which blotted out the low country but left this jewelled world above it .
4 Gripping the child 's arm , Aggie pulled her from the room and through into a hall and there she stood waiting , for she guessed that the women lined up like felons against the wall would now be led out to pay their fines at the desk in the corner , or be taken through the door back to the cells .
5 He walked on further into the building and through into a vault at the end .
6 Since kitchens tend to be positioned at the back of the house , they are often in an ideal situation for extending into the back garden , or knocking through into a corridor or back room to create a more useful space .
7 ( ii ) Insert a 25-gauge needle attached to a syringe into the lumen of the uterine horn at the ovarian end and flush 0.2–0.5 ml of M2 + BSA through into a plastic Petri dish or glass cavity block .
8 Head seems to work fairly well it 's easily cleaned out easily fed and the cows come to calf we just put them in the pend and after that once they 're a reasonable size we put them through into a byre and it easier to work the situation once the calves are a a fair size and pass the stage especially .
9 McAllister bustled in her turn , made the tea and carried the silver tray through into the parlour , to find Dr Neil at the sideboard , looking grim , the whisky bottle in his hand .
10 The gaps between them are so big that if you plunge your arm through into the mantle , the clam is quite unable to grip it — though the experiment is a little less unnerving if it is tried first with a post .
11 It 's right , you know where the , the alley goes through into the Haymarket
12 Tim , 32 , said : ‘ She always got upset when we were apart and cried as usual as she went through into the departure lounge .
13 ‘ Aye , come through into the kitchen , ’ Hari spoke guardedly and Emily could n't blame her for being suspicious .
14 ‘ That would explain it , ’ Angelica said , pushing open the service door that led through into the kitchen .
15 Finally he wandered through into the kitchen , pulled off his jacket and draped it over the back of a chair .
16 ‘ Is our guest still asleep ? ’ he asked as he walked through into the kitchen in his towelling robe , the cup of tea in his hand .
17 Donna hurried through into the kitchen and sat down at the wooden table , pulling the envelopes from her handbag .
18 Shivering a little he went through into the kitchen and opened the back door .
19 After she 'd hung up , she went through into the kitchen .
20 ‘ Claudine , ’ he said tersely , flinging his coat off and striding through into the kitchen .
21 Water pouring through into the kitchen water pouring down the electric wire of the lamp in the study !
22 Ashenden nodded as he walked through into the Bar-Annexe : ‘ Poor chap ! ’
23 Again , in a frenzied blur of storm-driven wind , ice-cold rain , glass and splintered wood , Cardiff was suddenly at that door now , tearing it open with one gloved hand while he pushed Jimmy and the girl through into the darkness .
24 Go straight through into the hall and on to the front door , and let us in .
25 It assured him of his right to be here and he picked it up and put it in his jacket pocket before walking through into the hall with its white doors leading to the reception rooms .
26 His fingers opened , the knife bounced on the trampoline webbing and fell through into the sea .
27 And er then we were led through into the assembly area .
28 In his sermons the Chaplain of Cadets had only hinted at the existence of terrible ultimate anti-Gods which stalked the warp , seeking to spill through into the cosmos to corrupt precious reality — the antithesis of all that the Emperor stood for ; forces which Marines should pray that they never encountered .
29 Occasional evidence of this percolates through into the newspapers and , now and again , the law reports .
30 The lake of liquid peat had burst through into the workings beneath it and was deluging into the colliery .
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