Example sentences of "through to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 As usual we take the immediate point — Frodo and the others want to get out of the forest — while reading through to a kind of universality : the ‘ shadowed land ’ is life , life 's delusions of despair are the ‘ woods ’ , despair will end in some vision of cosmic order which can only be hinted at in stars or ‘ sun ’ .
2 Regrettably , the delays experienced in taking a matter through to a court hearing , together with the passing of information to other bodies , make it very difficult for outsiders to assess the effectiveness of s 447 enquiries .
3 Finally , on the front panel , there 's the master volume knob and the controls for the onboard Alesis reverb/delay unit — a sixteen-notch rotary knob and a ‘ return ’ control for setting the required level of effect , from the tiniest hint of echo through to a nightmare in a bathtub .
4 Lissouba headed the poll and went through to a second round run-off on Aug. 16 against the second-placed Bernard Kolelas of the Congolese Movement for Democracy and Integral Development ( MCDDI ) .
5 In order to assess the arguments over the variability of V it is necessary to see just how a change in money supply is transmitted through to a change in aggregate demand .
6 In many organisations you will be put through to a secretary whose job it is to filter calls .
7 I 'd got through to a girl I said extension two three six and then oh and the feller said er
8 How far such seismic social pressures come through to a child may be impossible to judge .
9 He started with a series of gulping sobs , went through to a noise like a drain emptying out and finished up with a sort of throaty sob .
10 ’ Like Muir , Eliot had won through to a vision of final acceptance , which allowed him to look back even to Sweeney and to call him , at Columbia in 1958 , ‘ friend ’ .
11 Benefits realised varied from site to site , but ranged from a doubling of throughput per week at a cost more than halved , through to a headcount reduction of one third .
12 This acting can range from pairs of students re-enacting a dialogue through to a simulation involving the whole class .
13 A nurse led Charlie through to a cubicle where an elderly man in a long white coat made him strip to the waist , cough , stick out his tongue and breathe heavily before prodding him all over with a cold rubber object .
14 In the intimidating atmosphere of the Mararios Stadium they silenced the partisan crowd with an early goal and then came so close to getting a second which would surely have put them through to a money spinning meeting with Paris St Germaine .
15 When Curtis had gone Wycliffe asked the operator to get Sidney Passmore 's number and he was put through to a woman who spoke with self-conscious refinement .
16 In a little while the waiter was back , bowing , smiling , leading them up two flights of steps then through to a table at the centre of the house .
17 ‘ What we are seeing now is a public revulsion against violence in society which is feeding through to a desire for greater sensitivity by programme makers , ’ he said .
18 There 's a very good example of that in the film you 'll see , where somebody phones up , and does n't quite know who they want to speak to , but they get through to a department , and they say , ‘ Oh , I 've left some money ’ , and the caller immediately , and the person who 's received the call immediately says , ‘ Ah , money ! , you want the treasurers department , I 'll put you through ’ , and before the chap 's had a chance to say , ‘ No , no , no , I really want to speak to you , they 've gone , and they 're back at the switchboard . ’
19 Mr How had set up a property firm called Prosperpoint , and transfered cash from his clients investment funds through to a bank in the Isle of Man , then on to Switzerland , then back to Prosperpoint .
20 The likelihood is that St Helens will have had their minds wonderfully concentrated by the experience and should win the replay at Wakefield Trinity tonight to go through to a meeting with Oldham in the quarter-finals on Sunday .
21 I can not imagine a more uplifting experience than listening through to a sequence of Brahms 's chamber compositions such as if offered here .
22 But whatever their level of personal identification with the housewife role , the denigration and trivialization of housework is such a pervasive cultural theme that the message is likely to have filtered through to the housewife in some form or other .
23 see a vehicle that you you recognize is not off the patch , they 'll they 'll radio it through to the base , to our base .
24 He got through to the base camp to find out when the chap was coming to fix it .
25 The move towards NVQs and SVQs is taking place across all industries at all levels within the industry , from engineering and manufacturing through to the provision of health and social care , from the operative to the manager .
26 Once on the top floor Dowd was left to entertain himself , and Bloxham led Godolphin through to the chamber .
27 They were soaked right through to the skin and shivering in the cold .
28 ‘ They came to an uninhabited hut where they made a fire to dry their clothes , for all of them were wet through to the skin , and an old sail was spread upon the bare ground , which served as a bed for the Prince , who was very well pleased with it and slept soundly . ’
29 When , when we went there was this er , more gates and his little his house , right , went through the little door , or big door , and he went through to the gate and he , and he sort of goes
30 News concerning the development in style took a little time to percolate through to the country ; a sculptor carving a resurrection scene on a 1707 headstone outside the south door of Uffington church , Oxfordshire , continues to depict the gable-lidded coffin .
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