Example sentences of "carried out in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Today pioneering work is being carried out in every faculty : engineers work on the motor car engine — botanists on plant breeding — physicists on the production of images of the soft tissue of the human body using revolutionary new techniques — social scientists on the political development of Eastern Europe and on computer systems which mimic human experts — literary scholars produce new insights into the works of major writers .
2 They went on to suggest that where complex insider activities are being carried out in a sub-language designed to exclude the uninformed , the best ethnography would probably be carried out by the insider/ethnographer .
3 Planning Ward v Secretary of State for the Environment ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls , Staughton LJJ ) ; 25 Sept 1989 A private garden was capable of being an ‘ open space ’ and something that should be taken into account when deciding whether a development proposed to be carried out in a conservation area would preserve or enhance the area within s 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 , as substituted , and of Circular No 8 of 1987 issued by the Secretary of State .
4 ‘ Yes it is , provided the shooting is carried out in a responsible manner .
5 I later witnessed exactly the same procedure carried out in a Budapest café with such leisurely incompetence , that everything was completely waterlogged before they began .
6 When the reaction is carried out in a dish , complex moving patterns of coloured bands spontaneously arise , including concentric rings and spirals .
7 A study was carried out in a Bedfordshire village , i.e. a semi-rural environment , of predation by domestic cats over a one-year period and the results were published in a zoological journal in 1987 .
8 Sensitivity at the outset far outweighs a full routine of complicated strokes if they are carried out in a mechanical and impersonal manner .
9 The most recent substantial piece of work on public library stock logistics is described in Tony Houghton 's Bookstock management in public libraries ( 1985 ) , again work based upon actual research carried out in a public library system .
10 The paint shop staff at Blundell Street Depot in 1908 , where car-painting was carried out in a corner of the depot surrounded by sheeting , until transferred to Marton in September 1911 .
11 The redevelopment of the Shenley Hospital for new housing suggests that such redevelopment can be carried out in a sensitive and locally acceptable manner .
12 During the field trial , this exploration was carried out in a conventional manner , eg by gathering background information relevant to the client organisation , by becoming familiar with the physical layout of the offices involved , and by interviewing a representative sample of staff from both departments and from the central support unit .
13 Sometimes the act has been carried out in a hostile fashion that causes maximum distress to the staff .
14 Many of the classes in the Order are concerned with various types of industry , not only ‘ light ’ , which can generally be carried out in a residential area without detriment to its amenities , and general industry , which can change to light but not vice versa , but also with a number of special categories , such as those subject to the Alkali Inspectorate .
15 The situation at the moment in the field of research in homoeopathy is that much encouraging and interesting work demonstrating effects of homoeopathic potencies has been carried out in a wide variety of laboratory and clinical models .
16 An experiment using silicic acid , and being carried out in a laboratory 5 metres away through a brick wall , affected the normal pattern of salt crystals being observed in Dr Reid 's laboratory .
17 Swannson already has a depot in Swindon but it is a condition of his O licence for that operating centre that maintenance can only be carried out in a restricted manner .
18 Since it is essential , not only that the glue should be heated to about 150°C. but also that there should be no appreciable gap or space in the joint , the gluing operation had , in practice , to be carried out in a heated hydraulic press .
19 The problem in relation to deaf people is nevertheless a challenging one since not only is their language different in vocabulary and grammar from spoken languages but it is also largely carried out in a different medium .
20 The truth is that aircraft accident investigation should be carried out in a completely impartial and objective manner .
21 It was also found that while the aircraft was in service a modification to the door mechanism had been carried out in a way which did not comply with the appropriate service bulletin .
22 Now it has been decided that men , with all their brow-mopping and weeping , are simply invading the seminal female experience , which should really be carried out in a darkened sweat lodge with only women as company .
23 This involved the production of large numbers of documents , many , if not all , of which were located in Germany ; the taking of depositions from representatives of the corporation , to be carried out in a designated office in Germany ; and interrogatories seeking information as the corporation 's organisation at the relevant time and the identity of employees engaged in work relevant to the ( products liability ) issue in the litigation .
24 What are the advantages of implementing the control unit of a processor by microprogramming , Wilkes ( 1951 ) introduced the concept as a means by which the design and implementation of a control unit could be carried out in a Systematic and logical manner ; this advantage is a Particularly valuable one today , when uniform electronic layouts are well suited to the technology of LSI .
25 Straight holding and in vitro injection pipettes are appropriate for manipulations carried out in a manipulation chamber .
26 These functions are not carried out in a vacuum ; they are affected by certain key contingencies or variables .
27 The process can be carried out in a micro-wave oven .
28 The production of crack can easily be carried out in a domestic kitchen .
29 The steps were carried out in a fume hood subjected to ultraviolet light and hydrochloric acid washes between experiments .
30 From the fishing bag he took a scope sight and two boxes of ammunition , one of them depleted from the sighting-in that he 'd carried out in a deserted glen on the drive south .
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