Example sentences of "carried by [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is probably all to the good that I did n't have this book with me , since the ready availability of a thick volume containing every registration number ever carried by every aeroplane currently registered or based in the United Kingdom could only have prompted further unanswerable questions as to why anyone could therefore need to write them down .
2 Another borrowing from mainstream is the courtroom scene at the centre of the film , which is carried by a virtuoso cameo from Marlon Brando as a wheezy , old and vastly corpulent liberal lawyer .
3 There is passing reference to the value of illustrations and diagrams in textbooks but otherwise there is no acknowledgement that information can be carried by a range of pictorial forms .
4 The idea was to develop a theory in which the weak force is carried by a type of particle .
5 Until recently the mail had been carried by a variety of aircraft ranging from Navajos and Cessna 404s to Shorts 360s and Dart-Heralds .
6 When selecting utterances to practise these intonation patterns it may be more difficult to find complete utterances with the same overall tune , because the intonation pattern may only be carried by a segment of the utterance .
7 Enoch 's raft was carried by a shoal of fish to Culross where she was baptised by St Serf .
8 The Maya pictured the divisions of time as burdens carried by a hierarchy of divine bearers who personified the respective numbers by which the different periods of time — days , months , years , etc. — were distinguished .
9 When the motion was put to the vote it was Carried by a majority of twenty-one to three .
10 In due course a motion " That it is satisfactorily proved to this Conference that the intermarriage of deaf and dumb is conducive to their happiness and there is no reason to fear injurious results there from " , was carried by a majority of twenty-four to two .
11 Subject to the preservation of the object of the Society , this Constitution may be amended by a resolution at any General Meeting provided it be carried by a majority of at least two-thirds of the members present and voting thereon .
12 The order slip is carried by a runner to a trader in the pit .
13 In Book 6 of the Iliad , we are told of an embroidered robe carried by a procession of old women to the Trojan Athena .
14 In particular the chaos of the media ; where Front 242's use of TV images of terrorism and catastrophe was as a backdrop to their own survivalist strength , with Butthole Surfers it 's more the case , as David Stubbs said , that they 've fallen foul of the media overload , are carried by a momentum that is not their own .
15 Although most of the time the energy not carried by the electron was taken away by an everyday massless neutrino , sometimes it was carried by a neutrino that weighed a comparatively large 17 keV .
16 In the quantum mechanical way of looking at the gravitational field , the force between two matter particles is pictured as being carried by a particle of spin 2 called the graviton .
17 These features of family life — which it should be re-emphasized are indicators of , rather than the reasons for , problems — include the age and maturity of the parents , burdens carried by a family , consistency and change in the lives of children , dynamics and support within the family , and the experiences and characteristics of individual family members .
18 The tin oxide , being relatively heavy , travels only a short distance when carried by a stream of water and can be channelled off from the waste .
19 This is carried by a show of hands and the commodore pushes the boat out .
20 If everyone is satisfied that the minutes are accurate , there is either a general murmur of assent , which the Chairman takes as approval , or , more officially , a member will move that the minutes be signed as a correct record , and the motion is then seconded and carried by a show of hands .
21 It has been said several times in this chapter that tone is carried by the tonic syllable , and it is now necessary to examine this statement more carefully .
22 We have seen how when the tonic syllable is followed by a tail the tone is carried by the tonic plus tail together in such a way that in some cases practically no pitch movement is detectable on the tonic syllable itself .
23 What were the goods carried by the railways in such bulk ?
24 This could have come about by virtue of the fact that at every stage of evolution the original life force ( whatever it may have been and relegated in this book to the pre-life period ) was always carried by the species at the head of the chain , and this was the species which would ultimately become the human race .
25 However , Glashow himself remarked that the Nobel committee really took rather a gamble , because we do not yet have particle accelerators of high enough energy to test the theory in the regime where unification between the electromagnetic forces , carried by the photon , and the weak forces , carried by the W + , W - , and Z , really occurs .
26 The AVHRR sensor carried by the NOAA satellites has a visible and a short-wave infrared band , and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration in Washington , DC produces global vegetation maps on a routine basis using the ratio transform outlined above .
27 I swam down the coast , carried by the current .
28 Unfortunately for the adventurers , the swords carried by the suits of armour ( one in each gauntlet ) each have a Zone-dispelling effect enchanted on them ; each sword can dispel any one Zone spell on contact , thereafter becoming an enchanted sword with no bonuses or special abilities .
29 The Captain decided not to switch on his engines until they were further away ; he was content to let the vessel be carried by the tide .
30 He had begun to coax her in the direction of her room now , the drinks tray left forgotten on the counter-top , and she went along helplessly , carried by the tide of his will and of her own incurable need to be with him .
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