Example sentences of "glass [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 From the air it looks exactly as if someone had poured a couple of bucketsful of molten glass on to the surface , forming a puddle which slowly oozed away .
2 It was spoiled when someone threw a glass on to the stage , stopping the band from playing an encore .
3 She put the sprigs of mint from the glass on to the table where they left a damp stain on the surface ; she no longer cared what the hotel staff would think .
4 Robyn demanded , slapping down her wine glass on to the table .
5 He slammed the glass down onto the table , and a small quantity of the beer sloshed over the side .
6 Gillian took a sip of wine , put the glass down on the table in front of her on top of the brochure from the dating agency , slipped off her shoes and curled her feet up under her on the sofa .
7 Then he put the bottle and the wet glass down on the floor , walked into the bathroom and turned both the taps in the bath on full .
8 He set his glass down on the table and looked across at the bar .
9 He reduced this to a quarter and set the glass down on the wooden table with a clatter .
10 He finished off his drink and set the empty glass down on the table with exaggerated care .
11 Smacking his lips he placed the empty glass down on the bar .
12 Shepherd was silent for a time , considering , then he leaned forward and set his glass down on the table at his side .
13 ‘ David ? ’ she said again , just as quietly , putting her glass down on the table again .
14 He set his glass down on the table .
15 He put his glass down on the circular table , and inspected the rolled up sun-shade that protruded from the centre of the table like an unopened flower .
16 The stranger put the glass down on the table and looked sharply at me .
17 I put my glass down on the nearest table and made my way out of the room .
18 Then Glenda Grower , the most strong-minded of the staff , put her glass down on the table and made obvious going-away gestures .
19 Fielding it with one hand , she sobered , and , putting her glass down on the fender , she hugged the cushion on her knees .
20 He slaps the glass down on the table .
21 Teddy slams his glass down on the table and waves his wooden spoon around as if it was a sabre .
22 She banged her empty glass down on the desk , as though she had expected to find the surface several centimetres lower than it actually was .
23 She set the glass down on the table , her hand shaking so that it rattled against the ornate white-painted metal .
24 Her hand shook only very slightly as she put the empty glass down on the table .
25 Slowly she put her glass down on the table .
26 Putting his glass down on the low coffee-table , Ashley sat quietly in a corner of the sofa .
27 Then I get up out of the creaking seat and stretch my legs , taking my glass over to the floor-to-ceiling windows which form one wall of the ballroom and look out over the gardens to the railway line and the shore of the loch .
28 William left him holding his glass up to the light from the kitchen window and frowning slightly .
29 Mr Pumblechook held his glass up to the light , smiled importantly at it and drank it .
30 I hope she does n't throw the empty glass out into the void to follow its contents ; pity the hapless passer-by under that little bolt from the blue !
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