Example sentences of "opposition to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This has resulted in the emergence of programmes of Islamic education or assertion , pressure within society for more modest dress for schoolgirls or women in general , opposition to mixed education , and so on .
2 This city was the ancient Inca capital , and throughout Peru 's colonial period ( 1533-1824 ) it stood as a symbol of regional and ethnic opposition to Spanish rule from Lima .
3 Ironically , opposition to Taiwanese nationalism united the older KMT fundamentalists and their implacable enemies , the communist regime in China .
4 Partly because of French opposition to closer US-European links , the US abandoned this plan at the end of 1964 and in December the Six managed to agree on an important element of the CAP common cereal prices .
5 In New York on June 18 she proposed the creation of a free-trade " Atlantic Economic Community " and reiterated her opposition to fixed exchange rates , under which , she said , interest rates and domestic monetary conditions would " go where they will " and would leave Finance Ministers " like innocent bystanders at the scene of an accident " .
6 In this , as in the Institute 's opposition to uneconomic fee scales , the battle has been fraught over the protection of architectural quality .
7 Sometimes , however , it leads to mixed messages — fierce opposition to unreasonable Government proposals , matched by quiet preparation of the profession for inevitable change .
8 In hotels and catering , which also falls into the category of a " traditional " temporary working sector , there has been union opposition to temporary working based on fears that casual workers were displacing regular staff [ see Chapter 6 ] .
9 Last year , Aung San Suu Kyi was awarded the Nobel Peace prize for her peaceful opposition to martial law .
10 Thus , through opposition to criminal behaviour the social group or society is strengthened .
11 Similarly , in an effort to reach an accommodation with women trade unionists , the NUSEC rejected the traditional nineteenth-century feminist opposition to protective legislation , pledging to work for the extension of such legislation to men rather than opposing it for women .
12 Widening political participation in the life of the new state risked the creation of a Palestinian opposition to Hashemite policy .
13 It was , however , less strident in its opposition to African nationalism than its sister paper , the East African Standard of Nairobi , and when TANU won the elections in 1958 , it shifted its ground , coming to terms with political change and lending its support to African nationalism as represented by what it regarded as the moderation of Nyerere .
14 Opposition to international fascism : collective security .
15 Opposition to international fascism :
16 A report in the Washington Post of April 10 said that the plan presented by Solomon outlined four distinct phases : ( i ) at the time of the signing of an international agreement on Cambodia the USA and Vietnam would enter into normalization discussions ; the USA would also officially approve visits by US business and veterans ' groups to Vietnam ; ( ii ) with the establishment of a US transitional presence in Cambodia , the US would partially lift its trade embargo against Vietnam and Cambodia ; the second phase would also require increased accounting for US MIAs ; ( iii ) the third phase would begin after the UN process in Cambodia had lasted at least six months and would include the establishment of US and Vietnamese diplomatic offices in Hanoi and Washington respectively , a full lifting of the US trade embargo against Vietnam and an easing of US opposition to international bank lending to Vietnam ; the third phase would also involve further substantial progress in accounting for US MIAs ; ( iv ) the final phase would follow UN-supervised elections in Cambodia and would include full normalization of US diplomatic and economic relations with Vietnam and Cambodia as well as support for international bank lending .
17 Clearly , he realised that he must uphold the papacy even in the light of Hadrian 's opposition to imperial equality .
18 The senator , although not publicly named , issued a strong denial , claiming that he was under attack because of his opposition to Prime Minister Sharif .
19 The first stage , of direct military rule , sought merely to suppress opposition to Japanese control — a short-lived republic was declared in 1895 — and wipe out the widespread banditry and disturbances which had long plagued the island under Chinese rule .
20 There was always trenchant opposition to Japanese annexation of Korea and this was revealed on the left and the right of the political spectrum .
21 Two developments — opposition to central government policies by Labour local councils , and urban riots — forced the Government to develop policies for the ‘ inner cities ’ ( Heseltine , 1987 ) .
22 Moreover , throughout the 1980s , when opposition to European Federalism became closely associated with Margaret Thatcher , enthusiasm for Europe became a way of protesting against Conservative economic liberalisation .
23 Only in Norway is there any significant parliamentary opposition to European integration .
24 Their opposition to political history stemmed in part , as we have seen , from their hostility to impressionistic narratives , and in their anxiety to escape this they have tended to favour subjects susceptible to quantitative analysis .
25 From the record levels of 1920 , LCS trade fell sharply with the inevitable revival of opposition to political involvement .
26 A surrender to the farmers over the egg controversy , hesitancy in confronting the brewers , and some retreat in the face of the judges ' opposition to legal reform indicated that there were lobbies and vested interests which even the all-conquering Prime Minister could not challenge with impunity .
27 A speech by Margaret Thatcher in Bruges in September 1988 confirmed her opposition to greater supranationalism .
28 Others had reportedly expressed opposition to greater representation for Iran-based Shia guerrillas in any future negotiations .
29 In the first phase , nationalism emerged as the result of State formation ; in the second , the State was created as the result of a nationalist opposition to external competition or oppression .
30 In the new world order , it may well be that nationalism functions as the opposition to that order , the main source of resistance and challenge to large and more or less integrated blocks of power .
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