Example sentences of "ability [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Technical requirements include virtual memory , the inherent ability to connect to a distributed network and run two- and three-dimensional graphics applications , 3 MIPS to 40 MIPS of integer performance , 1,024 by 1,024 pixel resolution , 14″ , 16″ , 17″ or 19″ monitor , multitasking and a price range of between $3,900 and $100,000 plus .
2 The importance of such ‘ educated ’ minds lay , of course , in their presumed ability to cope with a variety of industrial processes , including the total environment of modern production .
3 Children need not only a ‘ lexicon ’ of images but also the ability to cope with a number of conventions .
4 Assuming that you are happy with your ability to cope with a helicopter in an unfamiliar attitude and with the mechanical soundness of your model , all you really need to do is to get the model up to a safe height , build up lots of forward speed , pull the cyclic stick back and watch it go round .
5 It is these which , above all , give the children their ability to cope with a large repertoire .
6 While such actions are welcome , for some governments and for many people , no amount of safety measures or reassurances regarding the ability to cope with a reactor accident is satisfactory .
7 Employers are attracted by the proven flexibility that stems from the Geography graduate 's breadth of education and ability to cope with a diversity of subject materials .
8 It was a brilliant display of this team 's ability to cope with the difficulties imposed by introducing a new chassis and engine .
9 The trend seems likely to force small firms to compete with the large corporate sector on pay , training and fringe benefits , putting further pressure on their ability to cope with the strains of growth .
10 THE Government was urged yesterday to tackle staff shortages and poor morale in Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution , as concern grew over its ability to cope with the demands of the Environmental Protection Bill .
11 All children have to develop a concept of safety and an ability to cope with the hazards which exist in that environment .
12 Stress becomes harmful only when it exceeds our ability to cope with the situation , or when it continues unrelieved over a prolonged period .
13 Some GPs are getting quite despairing about their ability to cope with the unplanned influx of an elderly population .
14 ( b ) it gives learners confidence in their ability to cope with the real situation .
15 These trends were supposed to be so powerful that many groups were driven to extinction as once-useful organs became overdeveloped to the extent that they interfered with the animals ' ability to cope with the environment .
16 Of course , what is really needed , and what would be better for the children 's education , would be either more nursery schools , or reception classes that have the right equipment and staff , and the ability to cope with the three and four-year-olds they are being handed so prematurely .
17 The tendency to assume that there are only right and wrong answers in mathematics may be limiting children 's ability to cope with the diversity of problems they meet .
18 This is the message that emerges time after time from surveys on Britain 's ability to cope with the demands of Europe post-1992 .
19 She was no longer anxious about her ability to cope with the inmates of the pet shop , but she still disliked the sight of birds and some of the more sensitive animals being kept in captivity .
20 He said the society 's results reflect the North 's ability to cope with the recession .
21 The Strasbourg disaster rekindled speculation that the sophisticated computerized " fly-by-wire " control system fitted in the A-320 might , in some circumstances , affect a pilot 's ability to cope with an emergency .
22 Despite losing so heavily , Edinburgh tried hard to play enterprisingly and in scrum-half Crombie , possess a player with the ability to perform at the highest level .
23 But any suggestion of confidence in the players ' ability to perform on the field must be tempered by worries over their ability to handle life off it .
24 All these substances have the ability to float from the lower atmosphere ( the troposphere ) into the upper atmosphere ( the stratosphere ) where ozone depletion takes place .
25 Given his scepticism about our ability to penetrate to the real essences of things , it is not surprising that he finds that none of the much-discussed contemporary theories on offer provide a satisfactory answer , and concludes that we are simply ignorant about this .
26 With its livid , dangling wattles and its ability to kill with a glance , the cockatrice was referred to in the Bible as typifying evil .
27 This ability to see beyond the short-term impact to the bigger picture and where the real risks are is vital not only in evaluating the cost of possible outcomes but in then categorising the risks .
28 The going concern ED proposed that auditors should obtain a statement from the directors confirming their considered view that the company is a going concern ; that , in forming an opinion on whether the company is a going concern , the auditors should look ahead one year from the date of the directors ' approval of the accounts ; and that , even if disclosures in the accounts of any matters giving rise to an uncertainty that could affect the company 's ability to continue as a going concern are adequate , the auditors should draw attention to the matters in their report .
29 The most significant are that the proposed SAS requires auditors to be active , rather than passive , and to perform procedures specifically designed to identify circumstances which might call into question the appropriateness of the going concern basis ; that the future period which should be considered by both the directors and auditors in assessing the validity of the going concern basis should be extended to one year from the date the accounts are approved by the directors ; and that emphasis is now placed on the need for adequate disclosures in accounts of matters giving rise to inherent uncertainties that affect a company 's ability to continue as a going concern .
30 It is therefore also important that the final SAS makes clear the degree of assurance that a clean auditors ' report will be expected to provide , with regard to a company 's ability to continue as a going concern .
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