Example sentences of "answer to the second " in BNC.

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1 And — in answer to the second question — the only reason that oxygen gas exists in such large amounts in the atmosphere today is that plants and some bacteria produce it in vast quantities through photosynthesis .
2 The answer to the second question must surely be that if there is a trust at all ( which is the first question ) , then because of the word omnia it is a trust of everything Pamphilus receives .
3 In answer to the second question ; Christ is Paul 's loving Redeemer and the Giver of the Spirit empowering Paul to have a new way of life .
4 The answer to the second question requires that we look at psychosis from a slightly different point of view from that adopted in most medical literature .
5 He is stuck with this answer to the second question because he holds ( as does Hare , but not Ayer ) that what one is saying about something when one calls it x is identical with one 's reason for calling it x .
6 This attempt to be influenced by the maximum of factual knowledge is in a sense a rational way of trying to answer ethical questions ( this being perhaps the Stevensonian answer to the second question raised in the introduction ) , but it offers no guarantee of congruence .
7 However , the answer to the second part of the question is the same whatever your choice — you either have the ready cash or you need to borrow it .
8 In answer to the second question posed by the Attorney-General , no stay should be imposed unless the defendant shows on the balance of probabilities that owing to the delay he will suffer serious prejudice to the extent that no fair trial can be held : in other words , that the continuance of the prosecution amounts to a misuse of the process of the court .
9 ‘ In answer to the second question posed by the Attorney-General , no stay should be imposed unless the defendant shows on the balance of probabilities that owing to the delay he will suffer prejudice to the extent that no fair trial can be held : in other words , that the continuance of the prosecution amounts to a misuse of the process of the court .
10 ‘ The answer to the second question is much , much more difficult and I confess to having agonised all night to reach my conclusions .
11 In answer to the second part of my hon. Friend 's question about population planning assistance to the former Soviet Union , although we have not been asked for such help , last week I agreed that £2 million-worth of medical aid should be spent in the republics of the former Soviet Union .
12 The answer to the second part of my hon. Friend 's question is yes .
13 The answer to the second part of your question — we are in competition but we always were !
14 Before we leave this discussion of basic theory and turn our attention finally to the modern world , there is one further point that I think is worth making and that is part of the answer to the second question asked above , namely , why do individuals go through the three stages in the conventional order ?
15 The answer to the second question , as we shall see , is probably late 1960 or early 1961 .
16 The answer to the first question involves an analysis of speciation , which in turn leads to a consideration of the ecological conditions under which such speciation might have taken place , and the answer to the second also involves an analysis of the physical and biotic influences on the organisms concerned .
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