Example sentences of "answer to [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This was Telford 's answer to a problem he was called in to solve .
2 It asks ‘ why ? ’ and tries to find the answer to a problem .
3 And that to him seems to be the answer to a problem which at sometime or another must have exercised most of use , and which he explains in the pamphlet which accompanies the display ; ‘ The art gallery , that supposed refuge and den of tranquility , I find a troubled place .
4 If you get an improper fraction as an answer to a problem you should always change it to a mixed number .
5 A bald answer to a problem , even though correct , will not earn many ( perhaps not any ) marks , because the examiner can not tell whether the student has knowledge or is just guessing .
6 It is bad style to begin an answer to a problem by citing a string of cases .
7 A good answer to a problem , on the other hand , at once evokes his admiration .
8 This is true , but on the other hand it must be said that to give the wrong answer to a problem is not necessarily to miss the point of it .
9 The idea of town planning was something that presented itself as an answer to a problem or group of problems which had arisen in contemporary urban life ’ ( Ashworth , 1954 ) .
10 While the siege of Calais was in progress , in answer to a call from the French , the Scots attacked the north of England .
11 Never feel a failure if you have to admit that you do n't know the answer to a friend 's question .
12 read the Personnel director 's answer to a Speak-up question ;
13 It happened with me , when at the age of 18 , I took up pen and paper to make a reply to the readers ' letters column of the Glasgow Evening Times , in answer to a man who supported the rise of Nazism in Germany .
14 This makes it very hard for it to pursue the traditional answer to a slump of ‘ pump priming ’ spending more on job creating projects like roads and railways .
15 With home recording equipment so comparatively cheap these days ( you can buy quite a workmanlike setup for the cost of a decent guitar ) these video manuals could be just the answer to a layman 's prayer .
16 The announcement in April 1981 that SLOA had bought a rake of eight Pullman cars , mounted on 100mph Commonwealth bogies and fitted with dual steam/electric heating , seemed to be the answer to a prayer .
17 ‘ It is an answer to a prayer I had stopped praying , ’ Wilson said , ‘ and you , not God , have answered it . ’
18 It required but a single coincidence , whereby an apparent answer to a prayer arrived at the appropriate time , to make him believe that his objects of supplication had powers beyond himself , and had brought him relief .
19 So when the advert for the Rose Bowl had appeared in the trade Press it had seemed like an answer to a prayer .
20 What she was not was the answer to a policeman 's prayer .
21 And then he gave what Ramsey thought a startling answer to a question which to Ramsey was a crux .
22 In answer to a question from the prosecution , Day replied that William Tidbury seemed very much on edge and in a nervous condition , which was unusual for him .
23 A tall , thin man stood staring at a stone wall , as if waiting for an answer to a question he had put to it .
24 In answer to a question in the House , by Lord John Manners on 19th June , Hall stated that the judges would be able to make their award ‘ on or about 25th instant ’ .
25 For I appear to be going round in circles in answer to a question which has been worrying me for some time .
26 In early 1985 , work started at Wolverton on two new Royal Vehicles built on MKIII underframes ; in answer to a question in Parliament in April of 1985 , Mr David Mitchell , Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Transport , stated ‘ Most of the existing fleet is old , and several vehicles contain asbestos .
27 ‘ The licensing authority has therefore not asked for the CSM 's advice on it ’ , Clarke told Jack Ashley in a written answer to a question ( which we had put to the DHSS three week earlier ) .
28 Frequently it is not the case that we have no answer to a question — rather , we have too many .
29 If you come across an answer to a question that does n't fit the headings you 've already got , summarise that answer and write it on the master sheet : thereafter put a tally mark against it every time an answer fits it .
30 ‘ A good answer to a question that has no simple answer .
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