Example sentences of "responsible [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Freeports , all near airports or docks , offer tariff and customs privileges , while UDCs go further and replace local government 's powers over development control with an appointed board responsible only to the Minister .
2 If a holder , nonetheless , transfers his private key , the carrier will be responsible only to the party to whom it issued the last valid private key .
3 As late as the 1760s the ideal government , in the eyes not merely of George III but of the great majority of his subjects , was one consisting of a number of heads of departments , each performing his task efficiently and responsible only to the king and Parliament .
4 , director of research at ICAS and editor of the study , conceded that there can ‘ never be total independence but , in being responsible only to the chief executive and the financial reporting and audit committee , there could be relative but strong independence ’ .
5 The City of London Police ( who are responsible only for a square mile at the centre of London ) are controlled by a committee of elected councillors .
6 Among North Kensington laundresses , the local maxim was ‘ the best ironer gets the worst husband ’ , although within the local community it would appear that husbands and wives adjusted to the often superior earning power of the wife , and in at least one suburban district the custom prevailed whereby husbands remained responsible only for a sum which covered rent , the baker 's bill and boots for the family .
7 The head of the regional justice administration in Bamberg had also observed ‘ a sharp increase and intensification in criticism of the political and military leadership ’ and , ‘ what had never been the case before , to a growing extent of the person of the Führer , who is made responsible especially for the events in Stalingrad and in the Caucasus ’ .
8 In your appointment as Director-General of the Security Service you will be responsible personally to the Home Secretary .
9 If one is partly responsible already for the general policy of a Church or for anything else , it is better to be more responsible .
10 For example , ministers are responsible formally to the monarch .
11 This time the inspector is clearly associated with the authority that employs the teacher , and which is responsible directly for the quality of the education in the school .
12 Those interested in arresting the shelving of direct ministerial responsibility for these sites should write to their MPs , asking why it was , in 1883 , that the inspector was responsible directly to the minister whilst , in 1983 , there will be no inspectors as such and those responsible will be reporting to a quango .
13 Each minister was responsible directly to the monarch , subject to sudden dismissal and disgrace , and kept in total ignorance of his colleagues ' policies .
14 Defined as the " executive apparatus of presidential authority " ; headed by a Premier chosen by and reporting to the President , and comprising around 15 heads of ministries and departments in charge of " those spheres of government assigned to the Union in keeping with the allocation of powers between the Union and the republics " , plus the heads of republican governments ; replaced the 69-member Council of Ministers , responsible directly to the Supreme Soviet .
15 Since the end of March control of Moscow 's police had been with a new directorate headed by USSR First Deputy Interior Minster Ivan Shilov and responsible directly to the USSR Interior Ministry [ see p. 38080 ] .
16 The important point to note is that under such vicarious arrangements the vendor remains responsible directly to the customer and will still be sued by the customer for non-performance or for breach of the contract if the work has not been undertaken in accordance with the terms of the contract .
17 The Editor of the Criminal Statistics for 1896 noted this and added , ‘ The growth of public sentiment with regard to sexual crime , of which the ( Criminal Law Amendment ) Act was one manifestation , is no doubt responsible also for the more vigorous prosecution of offences . ’
18 The control over local affairs that the new system entrusted to the agent of the central government was held responsible both for the electoral mechanics which distorted parliamentary liberalism and for the decay of local citizenship .
19 The main provision of mental health care comes jointly under the National Health Service , responsible both for the psychiatric and mental handicap hospitals and for the community health services , and the local authority social services departments .
20 As such he was responsible both for the retirement of Lord George Bentinck [ q.v. ] from its leadership in 1847 , after his vote for Jewish emancipation , and for the resumption of the title Conservative for his party in 1848 .
21 Local organisers are responsible both for the academic and technical staffing of a vehicle whilst it is in their charge .
22 Local organisers are responsible both for the academic and technical staffing of a vehicle whilst it is in their charge .
23 The UK Department of Health claims that its AIDS prevention policy is responsible both for the reduction in projected new cases among injecting drug users and the greater certainty about heterosexual exposure .
24 Mrs Shepherd sees no incompatibility in her dual role as Minister for Agriculture and Food and that it was ‘ nonsense ’ for anyone to state that it was inappropriate to be responsible both for the agricultural industry and the quality and safety of food .
25 Erm and I 'm responsible really for the historical side of the business , not only the all for all the furnishings and erm that kind of thing and refurbishing the house , but also for its future as we hope a living history event in the fullness of time .
26 The basic model is one of a clinical director ( usually a clinician ) responsible managerially for the operational work of all the staff within the directorate .
27 Tom Price is a no-nonsense plank-basher , once with pre-Sub Pop legends The U-Men , currently with Gas Huffer and responsible here for the gritty foundation to these 13 expositions of hurt and hard-knocks .
28 This establishment , a residential home for the elderly , was chosen deliberately because of its multifunctional nature , operating in effect as a self-contained enterprise , responsible ultimately to the parent department but encouraged to manage its own affairs on a day-to-day basis .
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