Example sentences of "increase in [noun] time " in BNC.

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1 In all sections the increase in exposure time was associated with a stronger autoradiographic signal but , at the same time , with a higher backgroun staining .
2 There was an increase in prothrombin time to 19 seconds and a measurable level of fibrin-fibrinogen degradation products ( 4 mg/l ) .
3 Since then the increase in warning time has merely served to reinforce the view .
4 After this point there was no further significant increase in response time .
5 It would appear that the slightly superior performance of the complex algorithm does not justify the increase in execution time .
6 They greatly benefited from certain ‘ economic conditions ’ during the period — namely , the existence of a large and concentrated urban population , the rise in real incomes and an increase in leisure time — which made the ‘ mass entertainment industry ’ possible .
7 When these characters were combined with letters in a third experiment there was again an increase in reaction time with set size for the RVF but only for letters , not for the typological characters .
8 Table 3 and Table 4 both show that there is a significant increase in reaction time as the levels of processing increase .
9 This interaction shows the effect of increase in levels of processing on increase in reaction time as seen on the graph in Figure 1 .
10 Table 3 and Table 4 also emphasise the significant increase in reaction time as the level of processing increases .
11 Can the RBG afford to devote a significant increase in staff time to public enquiries ?
12 Any slight increase in delivery time occurred not necessarily when demand was greatest , but at periods of reduced staffing .
13 Most notable was the small but marked increase in delivery time between 13.15 and 14.00 which can probably be accounted for by the gradual build-up of demand at a time when lunchtime rosters have effectively halved the number of bookfetching staff on duty , while a similar increase in delivery times for books requested between 16.45 and 17.00 ( when demand is falling ) is probably attributable to the change in shift and reduction in bookfetching staff which occurs at 17.00 .
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