Example sentences of "houses at the end " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Gaskell 's account is comparatively anodyne : ‘ a little paved court having the backs of the houses at the end opposite to the opening , and a gutter running through the middle to carry off household slops , washing suds , & c . ’
2 Under these arrangements the housing associations undertake to buy the BES houses at the end of the five year period at a pre-agreed price .
3 you see and I 'm glad I did n't miss it , I 'm glad I went through all what I did and , and this particular raid , you see , the siren went and they said a telegraph office read , you see , an and then I thought I 'll go to the back door and I went to the , well it was actually on the front of the station and I went to the front of the station and there was this plane swooping down like that and of course , you see , the bombs did n't fall down straight like that but they went as the plane went and they knocked down a row of houses at the end of the road .
4 Table 16.4 shows the combined balance sheet of the nine discount houses at the end of January 1990 .
5 Whether they will be able to sell the houses at the end of it , is another matter .
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