Example sentences of "ready to make [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Clothes Show Magazine was present at this nail-biting stage of the proceedings , ready to make a selection of our own .
2 However , Hezbollah , which maintained a stronghold in the suburbs of southern Beirut , reportedly informed the government that it was not yet ready to make a decision on the security plan .
3 At the first sign of activity on the ground floor , he pulled off his jacket and socks , hid them in a corner and positioned himself at the bedroom door , ready to make a dash for the kitchen .
4 Word was passed down the long column to close up , and to be ready to make a dash for the ford .
5 In any of these cases , you should take legal advice when you are ready to make a Will ; it is not a good idea to try and do this on your own .
6 Commenting on the affair , Tolba said that it " should remind us that wherever there is human suffering there is someone ready to make a profit " .
7 Susie Novis of Castlegate , Scarborough , had the photos in a box in the car ready to make a presentation for her parents ' golden wedding anniversary today .
8 ARSENAL are ready to make a £1.5 million move to bring Des Walker home from his brief exile in Italy .
9 He would read it , nod and announce that he was ready to make a concession .
10 SHAREHOLDERS in Monotype , the typesetting and graphic arts equipment maker , should soon be put out of their misery as Robert Maxwell looks ready to make a bid ( writes James Morrow ) .
11 That 's go there ai n't no money ready to make a bid .
12 Oxford United celebrating their centenary and Hereford ready to make a charge in the third division …
13 ICC chairman Sir Colin Cowdrey ( left ) is clearly furious that every time he has been ready to make a statement about the Texaco Trophy events of August 23 , Pakistan 's lawyers have threatened writs .
14 And government has to be ready to make the investments which private enterprise will not , whether in transport , education or public works .
15 The family was getting ready to make the journey when Lyn noticed the wheels had gone from her husband 's Ford Fiesta parked in their drive at Paradise Road , Writtle .
16 With England ‘ B ’ , his brief was to bring on young players and to keep fringe members of the England squad ticking over , rather than to aim to win every gage , and that 's what he did with the result that a whole crop of younger Englishmen — Back , Moon and Rodber , to name but three — are ready to make the transition to the full England team .
17 Walker is ready to make the effort to fit in with the locals .
18 Sorry we sha n't be able to call for you when we 're ready to make the arrest .
19 However , then I hit upon the idea of finishing the card by punching out four rows of holes and cutting between them , so that two rows remained on the blank roll ready to make the start of the next card when required .
20 If you go to one of their gigs , you will see row upon row of A&R men standing at the back in their black leather jackets , all ready to make an offer to record the band .
21 This is partly because of their ephemeral nature and partly because disclosure would often reveal either that very sensitive subjects were under consideration or that we had something in train about which we were not ready to make an announcement .
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