Example sentences of "apart from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There is to date only a single example of a Celtic deity known to me , apart from the cucullati depicted in debatable circumstances on the Colchester vessel described above .
2 Apart from the champagne spilled over the bow , there was plenty consumed in a more conventional fashion as the crew showed off the new boat for the first time .
3 Quite apart from the limitations on law reform in general which such an argument would appear to justify , if the views of the public are of any significance at all in this context , then it must be its view of what the law ought to be rather than what it is .
4 Apart from the limitations of the technology itself , it also meant that UK software was incompatible with European software .
5 I know a lot of people who study it carefully take the view if it closed down tomorrow nobody would notice apart from the taxi drivers in Strasbourg .
6 Apart from the 4-SUBS , traffic levels meant there was little chance for stock to fall out of the bottom of the cascade .
7 Hardly anyone in France apart from the Lafons , and now Ostertag , dares to risk refermentation in bottle and the subsequent deposit of anything other than a few tartrate crystals in a dry white wine .
8 Apart from the Standard and Pantograph cars built in the Twenties , the rest was a motley collection of vintage designs , which did not square with Luff 's vision of a modern coastal tramway .
9 The main snag with binaural stereo , apart from the inconvenience of listening through headphones , is the difficulty of distinguishing front from rear sound , and getting a clear feeling of height .
10 Two valuable books on the seventeenth century ( apart from the Oxford History mentioned in an earlier chapter ) are those published as Open University set texts , Seventeenth-Century England — A Changing Culture ( London 1980 ) .
11 But in terms of luxury , elegance and sophistication , the Land Cruise was ( and is ) poles apart from the Venice Simplon Orient Express unleashed on an unsuspecting world in May 1982 .
12 Apart from the subscription , the magazine relies upon advertisement income and with bankruptcies and liquidations these income has been heavily eroded .
13 In some situations , the mill had to provide for substantial numbers of people for , apart from the monks themselves , there were frequently large numbers of lay brethren and servants .
14 In the middle ages , apart from the help provided by family and friends , parish churches and monasteries extended charity , usually by distributing food , to those in need .
15 Quite apart from the help to me , I think it would be of benefit to the Society to encourage research , which would inevitably lead to a better understanding of the BCR 's difficulties and the important part it played in the district 's life .
16 Apart from the village , there are interesting walks around the northern peninsulas to neighbouring bays , returning through fertile farmland .
17 The tiny hamlet of Paradise in Gloucestershire ; sleepy , serene and according to locals , a world apart from the village of the same name portrayed in Jilly Cooper 's latest novel .
18 Apart from the sea and its attendant attractions , there is a wealth of elegant Georgian and Victorian architecture , the Pavilion , the Dome , an Aquarium and Dolphinarium , the Theatre Royal , nine cinema screens , interesting shops and for the ‘ foody ’ — over three hundred restaurants .
19 The basis is positive ( apart from the September contract on 5 September ) , as expected .
20 Apart from the GCC states , where public opinion has been generally conditioned by fear of Iraq , Arab reactions to the war and to Western proposals for security have been virtually unanimously hostile .
21 L.T.E. Apart from the change in the official title in small letters on the sides of the vehicles , there were no noticeable or immediate changes .
22 ‘ So , apart from the Baron and Madame de Rochefort , who else lives at the château ? ’
23 Apart from the USA , the other nuclear states have issued pronouncements of one kind or another indicating certain restraints on deployment or possible use .
24 Countries making commitments in August to the multinational force , apart from the USA and those European and Arab countries as described above , included ( i ) Canada , a NATO member country , which announced on Aug. 10 that it would send two destroyers and a supply ship , to arrive by September ; ( ii ) Australia , whose Prime Minister Bob Hawke announced after a telephone conversation with Bush on Aug. 10 that two frigates and a supply ship would be sent ( a decision endorsed by the Cabinet on Aug. 14 ) ; ( iii ) Pakistan , which had some 90,000 nationals working in Kuwait , and whose President Ghulam Ishaq Khan said on Aug. 13 that it would send troops to protect the Moslem holy places , with a first contingent to leave on Aug. 17 and a total commitment expected to number 5,000-8,000 ; and ( iv ) Bangladesh , which on Aug. 15 announced a commitment in principle to send troops to Saudi Arabia numbering some 5,000 in all .
25 Apart from the bore of travelling in from the suburbs every day , his mother irritated him .
26 Apart from the smell , there was his gritty chin and his sweeping moustache to repel affection .
27 Apart from the Germans and White Russians ( the Schutzkorps ) who were later transferred to other camps , the main contingents at Viktring comprised units of the Slovene Home Guard ( Domobranci ) , under Gen Krenner ( approx 13,000 including camp followers ) , three regiments of Serbian Volunteers ( approx 4,000 ) plus a smaller number of Montenegrin Royalist ( Chetnik ) troops , Croats and several thousand Slovene and other civilian refugees from various parts of Yugoslavia .
28 Mrs Jarvie said that apart from the sleeper , freight trains carrying petroleum products from Grangemouth used the line at that time of night , after midnight .
29 Gilligan sees this as a morality of responsibility that stands apart from the morality of rights underlying Kohlberg 's conception .
30 Apart from the birch or the rope , depending on the gravity of their crimes , what they need is rehabilitation in a psychopathic institution ’ .
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