Example sentences of "asked the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Has she asked the Atomic Energy Authority about these contracts ?
2 During the late 1960s I had asked the Civil Aviation Flying Unit ( CAFU ) to connect the pilot 's boom microphones in one of their HS 125 aircraft to a domestic tape recorder to see whether an acceptable quality of recording could be achieved .
3 Robbie had asked the elderly housekeeper .
4 The church and the French diplomatic authorities have asked the federal police to take over the investigations , but the state police have already arrested two men and accused them of the crime .
5 He had asked the ultimate question — What is it for ? — and got the obvious , the only answer .
6 By giving Best a contract of less than a year , the RFU have asked the ultimate pragmatist to devise the most foolproof method of extending his own tenure — and that 's the safety-first approach .
7 The Home Secretary has asked the chief constable for a report .
8 David Waddington , the home secretary , announced that he has asked the chief constable of the West Midlands to investigate the conviction of the Birmingham six , who were jailed for an IRA bombing 16 years ago .
9 Marcos supporters have asked the Supreme Court to reverse the ban , but Mrs Aquino , who ousted Mr Marcos in a ‘ people 's power ’ revolt in 1986 , said : ‘ The return of this man and his minions poses a greater threat to the democratic constitution he ironically invokes than denying him entry would tend to subvert the fundamental law . ’
10 The General Assembly has asked the richer countries to give one per cent of their annual budget to try and wipe out poverty in the third world .
11 The subject was discussed at a meeting of members of the Jockey Club last week and spokesman David Pipe said today : ‘ The Stewards have asked the Disciplinary Committee to review the well rehearsed arguments and produce a report in due course . ’
12 The Government have asked the European Court at Luxembourg to expedite its hearing .
13 At the same time , members of the European Parliament have asked the European Commission to revise the social affairs proposals stalled in the Council of Ministers for months .
14 The UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency has asked the European Commission and European Parliament to impose sanctions against Taiwanese goods .
15 However , various TV companies have asked the European Community to make this ruling invalid .
16 In July the prime minister of Belgium and a committed Europeanist , Paul-Henri Spaak , stated that he supported a European Assembly and announced that he had asked the European Movement to consider plans for such a body .
17 There was general approval that I 'd asked the right question — no one back in the newsroom realised how hard it had been .
18 13.8.1 Has the expert asked the right question ?
19 If they formulate detailed hypotheses and produce elaborate questionnaires or interview schedules without first carrying out informal interviews they may well go off in a completely fruitless direction and have only themselves to blame when they end up with several hundred completed forms , none of which have asked the right questions about the right key factors .
20 On being asked the second time by the farmer how the machine worked , the old worker said : ‘ It be whoolly fine now , maaster .
21 In other cases the committee has asked the Joint Monitoring Unit ( JMU ) to visit the firm , usually to review its audit procedures .
22 After watching a film of a car accident some subjects were asked the two questions in ( 3 ) .
23 She said , ‘ Come to my dinner party ’ , and she said ‘ Why not ? ’ , and she said , ‘ Beuno will be here and the Molesworth are coming , and I 've asked the two girls who are staying at Ty Fach . ’
24 Dan had even asked the other couple to join up , but they could n't , they had their plane to catch .
25 Lieutenant-general Wolfgang Schwanitz , the new head of the Office for National Security , the former Stasi , was asked the other day why he had not opposed and exposed excesses when he was deputy head of the organisation .
26 ‘ The International Intellectual Property Alliance ( IIPA ) has targeted seven countries for particularly egregious abuses of US copyrights and has asked the new US Trade Representative , Mickey Kauber , to designate them as ‘ Priority Foreign Countries ’ under the Special 301 provisions of the trade act .
27 He had asked the young men if they had been to Germany — knowing they had not .
28 Worried Julia has even asked the Russian ambassador in London for advice on how to deal with the problem .
29 Many parties ( including Civic Forum and PAV ) had asked the Interior Ministry to screen their candidates for possible collaboration with the StB in the past , and 166 candidates were reported to have withdrawn by the eve of the elections .
30 Libya had asked the ICJ Court to " enjoin " the UK and the USA from taking action " calculated to compel and coerce " Libya into surrendering the two men .
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