Example sentences of "asked [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Ms Weldon , a member of the committee who was not asked to sit at the hearing , described the video as a serious attempt to deal with the bride of Christ notion .
2 She 's been asked to sit on a human rights commission and now she 's full of stories of gruesome tortures in Turkish prisons , of Russian poets locked up in psychiatric wards . ’
3 Since the present seating at QP will only accommodate 366 people , those arriving early are asked to sit on the platform to leave the main body of the hall for WHAM .
4 Delegates attending the session in Torquay were asked to sit on the right-hand side of the room if they were in favour of the motion and on the left if they were against it .
5 Since Keith was a Board members of the committee , another Board member would be asked to sit on the committee .
6 We were asked to sit in the third and fourth rows and the lower school children filed in .
7 The Speaker can be asked to agree to an emergency debate on a definite matter of urgent public importance .
8 However , an attentional hypothesis can not explain the finding of a right ear advantage when subjects are asked to attend to the input presented to the left ear ( Bryden , 1969 ) .
9 As early as 1957 , Michel Jouvet in Lyons had reported that the size of the ERP generated by a visual stimulus from the occipital cortex at the back of the brain , a primarily visual area , decreased when the subject was asked to attend to an auditory stimulus .
10 The government of Prime Minister Jan Krzysztof Bielecki , of the Liberal-Democratic Congress , was asked to continue until the appointment of a new Prime Minister .
11 who was at Cambuslang at that time , commented " He seems hurt at being asked to preach as a candidate and I sympathize with him in this , as I think candidating and preaching contests are the most objectional things conceivable , and also the least satisfactory way possible of getting good ministers as a rule good men who have done their work well will not preach as candidates for myself I never in my life either preached as a candidate , offered for a parish or got a certificate . "
12 At another house , the officer was asked to wait on the doorstep ‘ while the dog was put into the back garden ’ .
13 I went to the castle and was asked to wait in a comfortable room .
14 The homeless are being asked to gather at the Commonwealth Hall .
15 The bar 's management have been asked to report to a future meeting of the committee .
16 Then , on 9 July 1859 ( 11 years later ) Professor Spooner was asked to report to the governors on the state of the fund , and to ascertain who were the current trustees .
17 The county surveyor , no less , was asked to report on the practicability of covering the verandah at the infirmary , and was also requested ‘ to have the bagatelle board put in order ’ .
18 In 1842 he was asked to report on the practicality of restoring the Brymbo ironworks in Denbighshire , which belonged to John Wilkinson [ q.v. ] but had been allowed to become derelict .
19 The Joint Working Group on Youth Work in Lothian has been asked to report on the scope for including road safety in the range of issues addressed by youth organisations in their work with young people .
20 The South African Law Commission would be asked to report on the protection of the rights of citizens , " as well as all collective units , associations , minorities and nations " , in a future constitution , by examining a variety of constitutional models ; this investigation would be used in support of negotiations on a new constitution [ see below ; see also p. 36915 for recommendations of Law Commission working paper of March 1989 ] .
21 The ward nurse may be asked to remain with the patient until fully anaesthetized .
22 Mr Fallon enjoys his job schools minister so much he has asked to remain in the Department of Education and Science if he wins the Darlington seat .
23 For instance , you may be asked to go to a new and different place of work under the provisions of a mobility clause , or have the emphasis of your duties changed significantly , pursuant to a clause in the contract providing for flexible working .
24 and I should warn you that once I was asked to go to a , a series of lectures in a certain cathedral on the seven deadly sins , because the Canon who invited me said he wanted a married man who was good on lust !
25 She said she was asked to go to the bank to sign away the house .
26 Startop , Drummle , Herbert and I were asked to go to the office at six o'clock the next evening .
27 The Health and Safety Inspectorate was informed of the incident and representatives from the electricity board had been asked to go to the scene .
28 Being asked to go on a committee may be something we tend to shy away from at first .
29 But , when I was asked to go on a demonstration years ago , I did n't because I just do n't see gender as a problem .
30 ‘ After that , totally by chance , I was asked to go on the road with Mike and the Mechanics and it fitted around the 1989 work I was doing with the Floyd .
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