Example sentences of "access to [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Yet banks retain an important edge over accountancy firms — they have access to external capital , which their rivals do not .
2 In the 1950s and 1960s the world economy benefited from declining nominal and real oil prices plus easy access to Middle East oil resources .
3 Access to mental health services often bypasses social services departments ( unlike services such as those for the elderly ) ; thus the bulk of the initial screening will probably be undertaken by staff not working for the local authority .
4 It has essentially used its very extensive powers and privileges — direct access to central government resources and influence , relative autonomy and freedom from local political accountability — to achieve what the government required .
5 The company promises to provide its corporate customers with early access to leading-edge technology and says it is solidifying relationships with the kind of partners that can provide extremely high volume manufacturing , capability and full global distribution .
6 Because of the decline of public transport , it is often no longer possible for those who do not have access to personal transport ( their own or shared ) to commute daily to and from rural settlements ; these people and places may effectively be isolated .
7 Individuals have a right of access to personal information about themselves held by local authority social services departments .
8 Under the Access to Personal Files Act 1987 any individual has a right of access to personal information about himself in local authority social work records subject to certain exemptions .
9 So far , little has been published on the time trends for anal cancer , probably because of the limited access to long term data and those truly representative of populations .
10 What 3i has done is demonstrate that the clearing banks in the UK have collectively over forty years ensured that there is access to long-term development capital for British industry .
11 Does the Minister agree that , if the general agreement on tariffs and trade talks are concluded successfully and there is subsequent reform of the common agricultural policy , there is a great chance for an increase in production in the intensive sector in the pig and poultry industry once we gain access to cheap grain from the United States ?
12 Now many are finding that their access to cheap capital is being painfully squeezed as well .
13 During the same period , there has not been one prosecution for corruption , although it is no secret that the economy is dominated by powerful politicians with access to cheap state funds , import licences and influence .
14 This may take place at the first meeting with the client , though for larger assignments a site visit and access to confidential material may be necessary before such an assessment can be properly made .
15 The move follows the recent series of leaks to the media demonstrating that loyalist terrorists had access to confidential security force files and photographs on suspected republican activists .
16 Access to state-owned radio and television would be guaranteed .
17 Similarly , some people have access to unequal reward , not because of any talent or functional importance , but by accident of birth .
18 We have an Academic Advisory Group , chaired by Lord Lewis , which has given us access to professional expertise at the highest level .
19 Naturally , such members of staff will need training , in-service educational programmes , close supervision and ready access to professional help , and many senior support workers will have specialist professional backgrounds .
20 Access to paid employment
21 The explanation of the inequality in the wages of women and men is closely related to the explanation of women 's more restricted access to paid employment compared with that of men .
22 Major changes are required in the structure and organisation of work to give women in general , and older women in particular , equal access to paid employment and , in addition , a genuine choice about retirement .
23 A broad focus on work is necessary because the concentration of policy on access to paid employment is unlikely to overcome the sexual division of labour in the home and the restrictions it imposes on women 's role in paid employment .
24 Unless this happens , if deep discontent is marginalised and excluded , if there is no access to global power structures , then the future looks bleak .
25 We should be allowed unrestricted access to outside money sources .
26 Here was a creative writer of great historical importance in vernacular Italian , as also in neo-Latin ; one who played a crucial role in the promulgating of manuscripts of lost classical texts which embodied the ancient culture and could propagate that culture anew in his own time ; whose creative writing variously reflected the new access to ancient literature ; and whose overall achievement helped to ensure that classical scholarship , in its work of reclaiming the ancient world , became not merely a prestigious activity , but a central and formative activity in contemporary culture as a whole .
27 ‘ One reason we went with 3i is that we get access to additional funding , ’ Lockwood says .
28 I read to him sentences from the Report such as : ‘ Schools have the clear responsibility to ensure that all children have full access to Standard English , given its role as an international language used throughout the world and essential for many purposes . ’
29 If pupils do not have access to Standard English then many important opportunities are closed to them , in cultural activities , in further and higher education , and in industry , commerce and the professions .
30 They had free access to standard rat food pellets ( EWOS , Sweden ) and tap water .
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