Example sentences of "immediately [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 UPI , except for PM , is available immediately as part of Uniface 5.2 .
2 This means the exchange rate is fixed immediately for delivery of the currency two working days from the date of the deal .
3 POST-PARTUM ABSTINENCE — Normal sexual relations will obviously not be resumed immediately after termination of a pregnancy , which is naturally followed by a period of abstinence .
4 On Feb. 4 Seoul Home Radio Service reported the North Korean permanent representative at the UN as stating that North Korea would allow nuclear inspection immediately after ratification of the IAEA accord which would take place within six months .
5 Fluorescence is said to occur where emission ceases almost immediately after withdrawal of the exciting source and where there is no thermal cause , whereas in phosphorescence the emission decays for some time after removal of excitation .
6 Several members of 185 Squadron were shot down immediately after formation of the unit by Oblt .
7 Immediately after measurement of pancreatic blood flow , which lasted three to four minutes , the vena cava was exposed and blood was drawn into a 2 ml plastic syringe containing 0.2 ml heparin ( 200 IU ) ( Polfa , Poland ) .
8 The garage benefits even further since faults from defective service are unlikely to occur immediately after collection of a vehicle .
9 A colonic motility index was calculated with a compterised programme , by measuring the area under the pressure records for the 60 minute period immediately preceding and the 60 minute period immediately after completion of the meal .
10 Diphtheria and measles , against which mass vaccinations have also been instituted , showed fairly abrupt falls immediately after introduction of the respective vaccines and indicate what one might expect of a successful programme .
11 Schools allocated to teach the FSE project taught it during the three months immediately after administration of the questionnaire .
12 Clasper 's small hard core of left-wing supporters , which included a phalanx of students from Liverpool University , had formed a noisy group immediately in front of the improvised platform , which consisted of a large wooden CKD crate with the Vehicle Divisions ' name stencilled in large black letters on each surface .
13 The door and the lead are immediately in front of her and become particularized in the poem .
14 Stare at something immediately in front of you and make a mental note of what you can see above that object and below it , to the right and to the left .
15 However the original route of the tramroad passed immediately in front of the school gates and then to a sharply banked curve , before turning eastwards towards Broadwater .
16 There are so many anglers fishing for carp today , not all of them recognising or caring that carp can be frightened very easily , it is now more usual to ignore the area immediately in front of you and cast , with specialised tackle , as far as possible .
17 Immediately in front of him , stretching out into the mud and sand of the now almost empty estuary , was a barrier of salmon traps .
18 The fuel system is also unusual in that the two wing tanks are linked , but the carburettor is gravity-fed from a header tank immediately in front of the facia .
19 Neither may be prepared to give ground and the ferret , since it is unable to pass around the rabbit immediately in front of it , can do nothing .
20 Dig holes immediately in front of two or more entrance holes .
21 A disobedience means a refusal , run-out or circling immediately in front of the obstacle .
22 In Britain at the moment , most shared space is restricted to very small areas immediately in front of small groups of houses .
23 The panel is a model of ergonomics , with a full ‘ blind-flying ’ set-up immediately in front of the pilot and the secondary and radio displays to the right .
24 When in working position , the brushes should run just above the needles and immediately in front of the sinkers .
25 When vision is directed to an object immediately in front of the eyes , objects in the peripheral ( outer ) areas of the field of vision are not seen in sharp focus , so it is necessary to turn the head and direct the gaze on to these objects in order to see them clearly .
26 Punishment to proceed immediately in front of present witnesses .
27 The sea is immediately in front of you with two miles of sands .
28 Immediately in front of him , Bigwig and Dandelion were staring out from the sheer edge of a high bank , and below the bank ran a stream .
29 She picked up both the paper and the keys , and this time held her arms out immediately in front of her — where she could keep her eye on both at the same time .
30 A single-decker yellow-and-black bus was travelling fast in the inside lane , its headlights dipped and no traffic immediately in front of it .
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