Example sentences of "easily [verb] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Both examples are easily checked by reverse working : unc In mixed numbers only the fraction needs to be divided out in 67 this way .
2 It is important to note that , in any given society , mating patterns are not easily manipulated by policy and edicts , but change in response to education , socio-cultural processes and aspects of development .
3 This amorphous frazil ice is easily broken by swell into small floes that rub against each other and continue to grow , developing characteristic upturned edges of pancake ice in a matrix of loose crystals ( Eicken et al .
4 ‘ CT ST N T MT , ’ will soon be exposed by crossword buffs as ‘ The cat sat on the mat , ’ but place names are not so easily guessed by context .
5 Petrological observations show excess feldspar in many basaltic lavas which is most easily explained by crystal settling .
6 Indeed , Ramsay 's secret societies , the Nordic League and the Right Club , were so easily penetrated by intelligence agents , and the government has now released some of this material , that when this information is checked against independent sources it becomes possible to present a plausible account of what the British fascists were up to during 1939 and 1940 .
7 Corporatism tends to " fit " the facts best with respect to the major functional economic groupings of capital and labour ; with respect to issues of economic policy ( especially in so far as they concern incomes ) in periods of boom when labour can not be easily disciplined by market forces ; and at the level of the central state .
8 Large seeds , such as sweet peas , are easily spaced by hand , but other techniques are needed for finer seeds .
9 As we have seen , this is a crucial part of the mountain goat 's annual cycle and one that is easily disrupted by hunting .
10 In making the choice , the selection conference in the case of the Labour Party , and the constituency executive in the case of the Conservative Party , are not easily moved by pressure from outside and even the leaders of the parties have found it hard to get close friends and political associates nominated .
11 These features , easily seen by light-microscopy , reflect the submicroscopic organization of the myofibrils .
12 Some pests are large enough to be gathered and destroyed by hand : caterpillars can be picked off at any time , while slugs and snails around vulnerable plants are easily collected by torchlight on moist evenings .
13 In passing judgement on these crucial issues the historian is so easily blinkered by hindsight .
14 In contrast , the unconjugated , carboxylic , bile acids are easily precipitated by calcium phosphate .
15 They argue that Y6N17 could not be easily produced by volcanism , and was probably formed by the same impact event as the Haiti glasses .
16 With Cardinals there is no defined colour difference between the sexes , but they may be easily sexed by body profile .
17 But these should be designed with a view to be pupil friendly and easily used by non-specialist teaching , for example , supply teachers .
18 Mice can be easily transported by road , rail or air .
19 The commonest hirundine of the region , easily told by chestnut throat and forehead , adult has long tail streamers , but juvenile has shorter fork .
20 The memories of the evening were too traumatic , too exciting , too recent to be easily assuaged by sleep .
21 Another attractive trip is to Herisau , a picturesque village easily reached by road from St Gallen , yet off the beaten track .
22 It is easily reached by car , train or boat .
23 Essential oils evaporate readily and are easily damaged by light , extremes of temperature and prolonged exposure to oxygen in the air .
24 ‘ Susceptible to summer drought and sun scorch , this turf is easily damaged by visitor pressure .
25 Without genuine faith , experience can be easily counterfeited by emotionalism .
26 Ruth Elliott as Catherine , Dr Austin Sloper 's daughter , was not easily fooled by suitor Morris Townsend , played by Gerard McMullan , whose presentation was virtually perfect .
27 The German grain-growers had felt the transatlantic threat , but also wished to protect themselves against Russian grain , cheaply produced and easily distributed by rail .
28 Because of a steep flight of steps this is not easily negotiated by bicycle .
29 However , it is easily marked by heat , solvents and scratching and if starting with bare wood , it would be better to use a cold cure lacquer .
30 Where the trivial name is easily remembered by association with shape , the systematic name would kill any enthusiasm .
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