Example sentences of "to work in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I personally felt a great affinity with the people of the highlands and islands , although I know this was not so with many of our officers who preferred to work in the south .
2 I foresee a time when there will be degrees in Community Interpreting as there are in Australia and I hope that there will be a recognition of equivalencies will allow interpreters to work in the countries of both of their languages .
3 Assistance is being provided from the UK in three specific areas : support for the fledgling actuarial education systems in these countries , arranging visits for actuaries from Eastern Europe to the UK to study our methods in practice and the secondment of UK actuaries to work in the countries concerned .
4 ‘ Mark used to work in the newspaper industry , but he got kicked out when they brought in all the new technology you hear about .
5 It is a fact of life , however , that membership by graduation is not mandatory before being able to work in the credit management profession , unlike accountants and others .
6 His father was an Ulsterman who emigrated to Scotland to work in the mines , where he married a local woman and presided over a strictly protestant household in which both parents were active members of the Orange Lodge .
7 Another tradition has it that the knockers are afraid of the sign of the cross , an idea which probably stems from the legend which says that knockers are the GHOSTS of the Jews who took part in the crucifixion of Jesus and were punished by being sent to work in the mines .
8 Beginning as a Cossack revolt against government encroachment on their traditional liberties , the uprising rapidly attracted support from Old Believers , minority nationalities trying to shake off Russian colonization ( most notably the Bashkirs ) , serfs assigned to work in the mines and factories of the Urals , and tens of thousands of peasants .
9 ‘ But you were not sent into exile , or to work in the mines ? ’
10 Then , there was nothing else to be done except get back to work in the cutting room at Paramount where he was working around the clock on The Two Jakes , for which the world of movie entertainment was waiting with bated breath ; because even though all of the above makes fascinating reading for everyone intrigued by Hollywood 's pop royalty , especially one so colourful and mercurial as Nicholson , it is the mere trivia , the overcoat of gloss and glitz , that hides the real Jack Nicholson …
11 Nevertheless , among the middle class , there were few institutions so revered as the schools , and their influence in clubs was held to be of great consequence as reformers regularly called for public-school men to come forward to work in the clubs .
12 Each year , when shooting , stalking and fishing guests departed , estate employees were called to the great house to work in the armoury , which had one of the finest collections of antique weapons in Scotland : claymores , dirks , shields , spears and guns .
13 What is new is that we have moved from too few qualified nurses coming to work in the operating theatres , to not enough people entering nursing .
14 In fact it is likely that they have chosen to work in the CAB because this is what they want to do .
15 Don Morgan , of Morgans Nursery , Bulkeley , Cheshire has indulged a life-long passion while resolving the problem , by setting his staff to work in the greenhouses — building scale models of the classic Morgan sports car .
16 While Bruno de Bayser continues to work in the Galerie de Bayser , his first floor premises , Bayser fils has converted two ground floor courtyard rooms previously used for storing picture frames into a gallery devoted mainly to nineteenth-century drawings .
17 ‘ Inmates want to work in the kitchen because it means they can be out of their cells for most of the day and can have a bit of extra food , ’ he says .
18 Together they choose the best plate to display the food , then Linda gets to work in the kitchen preparing the food for photography with a little help from Cheryl Baker .
19 Father , we thank you that you continue to work in the lives of our fellow believers , restoring health and strength to the sick , comforting those who are sad , supporting those who are lonely .
20 Each MELA was divided into three zones — cores , with minimum employment sizes and densities ; metropolitan rings , with 15 per cent or more of their labour force commuting to work in the cores ; and outer rings , with up to 15 per cent of their economically active labour force employed in a core .
21 He found an opportunity to work in the biochemistry laboratory at Cambridge , and then came to Florey .
22 He receives for his employment a take home pay of seventy three pounds per week , he lives with his parents and pays a board of twenty pounds per week he 's fortunate in that his employer takes him to work in the mornings but he has to catch the bus home in the evening and at lunchtime on Saturdays which costs him seven pounds forty .
23 He 's fortunate in that his employer takes him to work in the mornings but he has to catch the bus home in the evening and a at lunchtime on Saturdays which costs him seven pounds forty .
24 Derek has trained and retrained to work in the construction industry , electronics , civil engineering and offshore construction but still can not find a job .
25 Zobel said that there had been no approaches from Japanese companies wanting to work in the OMI .
26 News of the transfer produced a steady drift back to work in the Kuzbass and Vorkuta coalfields in the first days of May , at the same time as the strike in the Ukraine 's Donbass coalfield began to crumble .
27 The attitudes of women to work in the home are very likely to be related to other attitudes they hold — such as those to paid employment , to marriage , to child-socialization , to leisure activities and so on .
28 In fact , the uncertain times of Terris ' appearances have had such an effect on workmen that the Maintenance Department do not allow their staff to work in the station through the night in case the ghost interferes with their potentially dangerous work .
29 After yesterday 's service , the Prince talked to veterans introduced by Jack Edwards , 74 , a former warrant officer with the Royal Corps of Signals , who was captured by the Japanese in Singapore and forced to work in the copper mines of Taiwan .
30 like most of the the child care was done by the girls , but there was actually a few of the boys that decided they wanted to work in the nurseries and o eh the five that done , there 's actually two that we know of a are actually doing child care as a career .
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