Example sentences of "to work [adv] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You set the a great egg race type topic to work on for three weeks .
2 There had been no handkerchieves for him to work on for several days and there was not very much to eat for dinner .
3 Although particulate traps can be made to work effectively for short periods under favourable conditions there is some way to go before they are reliable enough for the rough and tumble of ordinary operating conditions .
4 If it is to be more than a symbolic marker of the moment when North and South decided in principle to work together for mutual survival , a number of decisions on how to administer it will have to be made .
5 And it is the exciting part of my job is to make these links work , start to build on them , and over our links in the city on the environmental and group with Tony Benn , that 's that 's doing a very good job , he is a platform for this , for each other , but I think there 's a lot more we can do locally erm within the city to build those links , and to work together for better answers for the city , and I hope that , on a practical level , one of the things that interested me was your grants team for local organisations , and I would like to think myself here today , we might look at the health authority , and try to join with them to make some erm practical contribution , particularly to those many carers , and groups of people who have problems , and we 're not all just professionals best able to put over during our normal nine-to-five or eight-to-eight days , we we can .
6 In the winter of 1940–41 a number of public figures contacted by the left-of-centre owner of Picture Post , Edward Hulton , agreed to work together for greater efficiency , vigour and democracy in the prosecution of the war .
7 A media education programme therefore presupposes that a group of people will continue to work together for several years .
8 After five terms I moved into Surrey to become head of the history department in Wallington County Grammar School for Boys and to work away for five years at doing what grammar schools were most proud of : helping boys to win awards at Oxford or Cambridge , urging ever-growing numbers of them successfully through public examinations , encouraging that sense of discipline and order which characterized the traditional Public and grammar school , wearing a gown , sustaining the prefect system .
9 What guarantee do we have that , when we have to converge with , for example , the Greeks , Portuguese and Italians , the money transferred from our pockets to theirs will not merely impoverish us and give money to those who have not earned it while we have to work harder for less and pay higher interest rates ?
10 There were no photocopying machines in those days so from the day the collection was shown the sketchers had to work frantically for two or three weeks afterwards from about eight to midnight drawing models for all the clients .
11 We then have to work out for each molecule which of the Cartesian axes corresponds with which inertial axis , as this depends on the details of the mass-distribution .
12 One that seems to work well for many managers is merely to divide up the list into three types of activity :
13 The Marxist definition of class in terms of private ownership of the means of production used to work well for most First World societies , but it always left much to be desired in the analysis of the Second and Third Worlds where the larger part of the means of production are owned and controlled not by private capitalists but by state or parastatal enterprises .
14 In most industrial countries these were recruited from marginal and footloose men , ready to work hard for good pay in bad conditions and to drink or gamble away their pay equally hard , with little thought for the future .
15 That Newbury goes so well is entirely due to Mick and Julie Turrell and their long experience as organisers , plus their willingness to work hard for those who attend .
16 Late one evening in 1958 Alfred Cobban telephoned me to see if I would consider going to Cumberland Lodge , in Windsor Great Park , to work there for three years as Director of Studies .
17 FOOTBALL : PSV Eindhoven coach Bobby Robson has had part of his large intestine removed in an operation and is not expected to work again for some weeks .
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