Example sentences of "wrote a [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although I read a great deal , and wrote a great deal , meal-times were still what kept me going .
2 She wrote a great deal in her Diary at this time , chiefly about Gran , about how clever she was and how beautiful she had been when she was young .
3 Andrew Collins wrote a clever parody of the Kennedy assassination on the NME : ‘ Three shots .
4 He wrote a standard text book on the subject which was published in Stamford by Haynes and Son .
5 A former vicar here was Francis Orpen Morris , who , besides making many alterations to the church , wrote a standard book on British birds .
6 Sagarika , of Leith Road , Darlington , wrote a modern piece Happy Families , about the break-up of a marriage ‘ I suppose it is a feminist piece , ’ said Sagarika , 15 .
7 I wrote a similar piece entitled ‘ The Grievance Procedure , Step by Step ’ which also went down well .
8 Paul-Henri Spaak even wrote a personal letter to the British prime minister , Anthony Eden , which , in appealing for discussions within WEU , pointed in the same direction .
9 For last year 's service we drew up a plan and then wrote a personal letter from the laity group to all the Churches , emphasising how much we believed in the power of praying together for Unity .
10 He wrote a decisive letter to Newton and then tore it up and burnt it .
11 Having , as I say , abandoned everything he had done , he sat down and wrote a six-part novel within a year which included a twenty-six day break in which he threw together and dictated The Gambler , itself not a small book nor a negligible one , to satisfy the terms of a contract he had made with a shyster publisher .
12 I sat up all night on the Sunday and wrote a nineteen-page document .
13 He was not accepted into the department of meteorology but registered as a student in the department of mathematics , where he wrote a doctoral thesis on ‘ The Theory of Development in Dynamical Meteorology ’ .
14 She came to England in 1904 to study at the London School of Economics , where she wrote a doctoral thesis on the development of New South Wales , gaining a D.Sc .
15 The first major campaigns into the unknown were led in AD 79 by Gnaeus Julius Agricola , whose son-in-law , Tacitus , wrote a hagiographical account of the proceedings which is infuriatingly vague about the actual geography .
16 It is interesting that Dalyell shares an almost pathological dislike for Snow with F. R. Leavis , the scourge of the English Faculty at Cambridge , who wrote a vitriolic riposte to Snow 's Two Cultures lecture .
17 Poor Green wrote a desperate note in the Mercury of 13th December 1791 saying ,
18 They are sufficiently common to have been studied in several ancient civilisations , and are named after Diophantus of Alexandria who wrote a 13-volume treatise on arithmetic in about 250 AD .
19 His son , Charles Power , wrote a famous guide-book to Madeira which was regularly up-dated during the first half of this century .
20 Great names along the trail include Albrecht Dürer , Hans Holbein , Hans Lutzelburger , Jean Cousin , Bernard Salamon , Jean Michel Papillon ( who wrote a famous treatise on the art in 1766 ) , Thomas Bewick , William Blake , Thomas Stothard , the Dalziel Brothers and Gustave Dore .
21 ‘ Bartholomew the Englishman wrote a famous treatise in which he remarked how strange it was that people chose bridges as their place to die . ’
22 Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher who er , wrote a famous book called Leviathan in which he explored this er fundamental question of social order .
23 She wrote a scholarly life to preface the Tasso , and clearly identified with his confinement and melancholy .
24 Their relationship was further impaired when in 1954 Pound criticized Eliot 's Christianity as " lousy " ; Eliot wrote a caustic letter back .
25 He also wrote a two-volume work on The Architecture of Robert and James Adam ( 1922 ) , which led to work at Adam 's Royal Society of Arts and in 1925 to his being consultant to the eighth Earl of Jersey at Osterley Park .
26 Over the years , he wrote a two-volume guide to Shakespeare , an annotated Paradise Lost , a book on Don Juan , a volume of lecherous limericks and the 1971 tome The Sensuous Dirty Old Man .
27 When she returned to London in 1787 he wrote a brilliant concert aria , ‘ Ch'io mi scordi di te , ’ with piano obbligato , for her and himself to play .
28 Several years ago I wrote a controversial article in a fishing magazine concerning black , bronze and two-tone bream .
29 But if his history did not go down to 63 B.C. we must assume that he wrote a separate monograph on the wars of Pompey ; the difference is not great .
30 He wrote a pathetic letter to his lord , describing his condition in prison where he lay bound with fetters of iron and beseeching aid from the Earl of March to secure his deliverance .
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