Example sentences of "thought [prep] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is a very common feature in the first questions drafted by students in schedule designing to ask questions which patently have not been thought about from the respondents ' point of view .
2 Sometimes I continue yesterday 's painting or I start a new work , often it is an idea I have thought about from the studio , or I might spend some time looking through sketch books .
3 because er it 's obviously gon na fill a gap in my financial planning that I 'd not thought about in the past so I did find it particularly helpful .
4 The pointes must not be thought of as a prop on which to balance the body , but as an extra dimension to make dramatic sense of a statement about the character on pointes and/or to relate in some way to the story or theme .
5 Again , homosexuality is thought of as a narcissistic repudiation of sexual difference .
6 ONE IS always a bit bashful about asking for blood tests on onself — no one likes to be thought of as a hypochondriac .
7 She 'd hate to be thought of as a seer , but maybe she is destined to be a figure like Morrissey or Ian Curtis , someone whose vision of adolescence comes to represent all our experience .
8 Lady Pomfret had been an excellent wife and mother and an efficient Lady of the Bedchamber , but she exposed herself to constant ridicule in society because she was so desperate to be thought of as a learned woman .
9 Because of his death , aged just forty-two , he is also thought of as a tragic figure , a man who was unable to fulfil the important public service to his people that seemed to be his destiny .
10 The people of Israel are thought of as a people chosen by God who are to separate themselves from the rest of the peoples of the earth by a series of laws that distinguish the holy time ( sabbath ) from profane time , clean foods from unclean foods , clean from unclean bodily states and holy from unholy places .
11 ‘ Maybe I got fed up being thought of as a saint , ’ Tammuz said darkly .
12 Read the old sagas and there you will see it is thought of as a great living force .
13 Thus evolution can be thought of as a process of hill-climbing .
14 In this typical example , the allosteric enzyme can be thought of as a switch .
15 By the time Kádár resigned in 1988 , he had come to be thought of as a kind of benign pragmatist , who had done what he could in difficult circumstances .
16 So great were such feats , and so very great was Charles , that countless legends sprung up around him , and his rule began to be thought of as a golden age .
17 The wide mouth might be thought of as a kind of lawn mower for taking up vast quantities of grass to support their huge bodies .
18 It may be thought of as a giant aquatic Guinea Pig weighing up to 60 kilograms .
19 It is thought of as a requirement incumbent on citizens in virtue of the independently established authority of the state .
20 Although the English landscape park is often thought of as a creation of the eighteenth century , by William Kent , Capability Brown and Humphry Repton , many country house parks are much older in origin , and in numerous instances are marked on Elizabethan
21 All his early interests in music and the theatre , even his puppets ( if manipulating them is thought of as a kind of preparation for choreography ) came together in this new activity .
22 In a way , development can be thought of as a cascade , one event leading to another .
23 The 1960 were , as we can see now , in some ways rightly to be thought of as a time of indulgence .
24 Such interconnection between the two sectors , primary and secondary , should not be thought of as a burden .
25 The variable that is thought of as a cause ( the explanatory variable ) is placed on the X -axis and the variable that is thought of as an effect ( the response variable ) is placed on the Y -axis .
26 The slope can be thought of as a numerical expression of the strength of causal effect of one variable on another .
27 Although popularly thought of as a female offence , women do not outnumber men among those found guilty .
28 In another analogy , our mind can be thought of as a huge tapestry in which the many episodes of life were originally isolated and there was no relationship between the parts ; but at last we must make a unified scene of our whole life .
29 Fear can be thought of as a force in itself which we feed - the more we feed our fears , the stronger the force becomes and the more it assails us .
30 The period of cohabitation is often thought of as a trial marriage .
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