Example sentences of "opportunity for [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Their supervision of mints and markets in their civitates would give plenty of opportunity for taking a cut .
2 The introduction of a partnership would provide the opportunity for developing a staff/industry interface .
3 The teacher who finds , for instance , that a child has difficulty in including himself in a ‘ family count up ’ , may make sure that he has opportunity for counting the members of many different groups of which he is a part , on other occasions .
4 Even as late as last May we had the opportunity for restructuring a number of committees we flunked it .
5 But when the volume was first published it appeared only as an expensive hardback and the opportunity for exploring an important range of writing was restricted to specialists and students willing to pass around a library copy .
6 My tapestries and books were turning into pitch-thick smoke , and the heat , from which I had hitherto been protected , it seems , by the initial surge of adrenalin through my body , now made it plain that this was the last window of opportunity for effecting a dignified , if empty-handed , exit .
7 When the Department of Industry announced its " Microcomputers in schools " , scheme in 1980 , it seemed to Provide an opportunity for Promoting the use of the microcomputer in school libraries and through that further to promote the school library .
8 The daily visit to a ward provides an opportunity for hearing a report on the patients from the learner .
9 Utilising electronic organisation and desktop publishing will allow students to gain familiarity with current systems that can directly affect overall cost effectiveness of a solution ; as well as providing the opportunity for evaluating the effectiveness of new technology , its commercial viability and its impact on the visual communication of information .
10 The establishment by the government of the Nitrate Sensitive Areas ( NSA ) scheme provides another opportunity for studying the effect of land use change .
11 Most brands , especially in fields other than the packaged goods for which the theory was developed , are potentially far more complex than the USP theory suggests , and a USP approach limits the opportunity for giving the brand a genuine personality .
12 This is a marvellous opportunity for making a mirror that exactly blends in with the design and colour scheme of a particular room .
13 This will provide an opportunity for investigating the complaints and remedying any flaws before the trial .
14 A seminar series would allow students to present reflections on their own experience , and provide an opportunity for integrating the theological and development issues .
15 Similarly there is said to be ‘ the opportunity for increasing the manageability of the whole system ’ by enabling local network management to extend into the wide area network .
16 We believe that it is a missed opportunity for tackling the deep-seated causes of crime .
17 Some lawyers are typified as ‘ clever ’ , others as ‘ stupid ’ ; the former require one to be cautious , while the latter give greater opportunity for having the wool pulled over their eyes .
18 Plant manager Ian Stockdale said : ‘ We saw this as an ideal opportunity for testing the possibilities of environmental improvement management . ’
19 The application does nothing to retain the existing trees on the site , it was a , it is , a mature garden with some mature trees , and all those trees are to be removed , it certainly does n't do anything to retain the rural character of the na of the village , and certainly does n't enhance the character of the adjoining small er rural cottages , i in fact it would be , it could be argued that it damages the rural environment , because the development is such that it is more suited for an urban development , almost a city centre , because the comment has been made that there is only about a metre between the dwellings and indeed there is only a metre between the dwellings and the adjoining boundaries , surely there is a need for screening , it is in a in a very very prominent position , it can be seen clearly as you enter the village from the Farnsfield area , the present proposal does n't provide sufficient room for screening , and and like the screen which is adjacent to this building , which are set well back from the road , and provide an opportunity for screening the single access to the site and the fact that the frontage to these two properties is completely taken up with garaging and with vehicle access does n't even provide an opportunity to screen .
20 For those who might have missed his point however , Williams wrote for the ‘ Trinidad Guardian ’ soon after , ‘ I see in the denominational school the breeding ground of disunity ; I see in the state school the opportunity for cultivating a spirit of nationalism among West Indian people and eradicating the racial suspicions and antagonisms growing in our midst ’ .
21 There will no longer be the same opportunity for driving a maul , so why bother to get in there ?
22 A representative sampling of Osiris Management Services ' clientele was there , beefy ballocky blokes who prized the rugby scrum of life as much as an opportunity for putting the boot in as for winning the ball .
23 Portsmouth presented a unique opportunity for putting the theory of the training college into practice .
24 This means that the only opportunity for perfecting the art of sentencing is by practising on actual offenders .
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