Example sentences of "sat up in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She sat up in horror .
2 Put the kettle on , spooned coffee , rolled a cigarette , sat up in bed again and hoped the horrors had forgotten her address .
3 It woke Clarissa who sat up in bed with a start .
4 He could n't take his eyes off Zambia 's stomach which was revealed quite plainly as SHe sat up in bed .
5 She followed him through the drawing room and into the bedroom where Mrs Browning , a thick shawl round her shoulders , sat up in bed .
6 He opened his eyes and sat up in bed as Anna came in holding a mug of coffee .
7 ‘ Now , I sat up in bed last night reading papers because I did n't want to turn up at a meeting unprepared .
8 Maggie sat up in bed .
9 Now , however , she sat up in bed and wondered , as she had been wondering for the last few days , what had happened to the spider .
10 And at this point he sat up in bed , said ‘ White Rabbits ! ’ aloud , to bring luck throughout the coming month , and looked eagerly out of the window into the dewy sunshine which was beginning to shimmer on Thrush Green .
11 Then suddenly Susan sat up in bed , and regarded her sister with an odd little smile .
12 Phillis sat up in bed .
13 She held the phone to her ear with her shoulder and sat up in bed , pushing the newspapers on to the floor .
14 When the maid woke her she sat up in bed and said , ‘ Ask Sir Stephen if he can spare me a few minutes . ’
15 Ellen sat up in bed , rubbing her eyes with her knuckles like a sleepy child .
16 Meredith sat up in bed and listened .
17 Hari sat up in bed and stared through the window to where the light from the street lamp paled into insignificance against the rising sun .
18 A sudden thought struck Katherine Lundy and she suddenly sat up in bed .
19 Patrick sat up in bed , and ran his fingers through his wold hair .
20 He sat up in bed , just as she came out of the bathroom , rubbing her hair with a towel , unselfconsciously naked .
21 He sat up in bed .
22 Angry with herself , she sat up in bed , turned on the light ( wonderful electric light ) , and reaching for one of the three modern novels laid out for her , forced herself to read .
23 Robert sat up in bed reading before turning over to sleep .
24 There was a long pause while Finch committed murder in his heart , and then sat up in bed with his cello and played arpeggios .
25 Now he sat up in bed and looked eagerly at the different handwritings .
26 Colin sat up in bed and looked very interested .
27 Colin forgot about his painful back and sat up in bed .
28 She sat up in bed , rubbed the sleep from her eyes and blew irritably at a hanging strand of her hair .
29 It was somewhere outside , and Jehan sat up in bed .
30 He sat up in bed and heard the singing of a solitary bird in the tree outside his window .
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