Example sentences of "tried [to-vb] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mortified , Maudie tried to silence her son .
2 Robyn swallowed , tried to steady her voice .
3 Claudia drew a deep breath and tried to steady her nerves .
4 There was a smell of lemon like bath-salts and she could hear the slap , slap , slap of flesh against flesh as somebody tried to stimulate her circulation .
5 Donna tried to quicken her pace , hoping the conductor would do likewise .
6 A woman 's laughter rang out and Caroline flushed and tried to quicken her step , but the man beside her would not match it .
7 Smiling to herself , she listened to the hissed shushing that ensued as Mrs B. tried to impart her news .
8 Straining , she tried to gather her thoughts .
9 And , while Folly tried to gather her wits for a retort , he turned to the maid .
10 Sophia tried to see her sister as a spinster and it was not so very difficult — a rather eccentric spinster not even looking as if she might once have been ennobled by some tragic love affair .
11 Too late , she tried to marshal her senses , only to find they had scattered to the winds , driven by the sudden flood of desire pulsing through her body .
12 Breathing in deeply , she tried to marshal her thoughts .
13 She tried to marshal her thoughts , but they skittered wildly .
14 Over breakfast on the day following Nora 's departure , Louise tried to encourage her niece .
15 Conscious that her feet were bare and her ankles in full view , she constantly tried to adjust her skirt to cover more of her ankles and yet keep the material out of the water .
16 Sometimes he tried to catch her style in scraps of speech that he wrote in a notebook , because she had often told him to listen to the way strangers talked and to keep a record of conversations overheard in the Underground .
17 During a lull , when for once nothing seemed to have fallen under the machine , she tried to catch her attention .
18 She tried to shake her head , but found she was pressed so hard against the stack behind her that movement was impossible .
19 Sophie said shortly , ‘ I 'm sure she will , ’ then relapsed into silence and tried to hide her apprehension as she thought of the task that lay ahead .
20 She blinked and tried to hide her longing for him .
21 He rose to his feet , making it clear the question was rhetorical , as Gina , feeling as humiliated as if he had actually slapped her face , tried to hide her chagrin by swallowing the remains of her coffee .
22 She tried to hide her feelings by concentrating , as she had done at the Red House , on the children .
23 Breeze tried to hide her dismay .
24 She tried to hide her disappointment .
25 And however hard she tried to hide her intentions from Nils they were emblazoned around her in the electric blue of panic over the iridium crown of Steel City in the night .
26 Anne tried to hide her eagerness for the idea .
27 Prosecutor Neil Tyrell said Mitchell struck her when she tried to pull her boyfriend away from him .
28 She tried to pull her hand free , but it was held fast .
29 Paige tried to pull her hand free , but in the close confines there was nowhere to go unless he let her .
30 Panic-stricken , she tried to pull her arm out of his , but her companion ignored her struggles , saying , ‘ Come on , ducks , no need to bovver ourselves with supper ; let's ‘ ave our bit of fun first , ’ and pulled her along into the alley where Dr Neil had found her .
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