Example sentences of "tried [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The AAA tried during the winter months to bring an end to the hostility between Frank Dick and me .
2 In the meantime UN officials tried for a ceasefire .
3 It was going fine till I tried for a reduction .
4 She contrasted this unfavourably with the simple needs of the Masai and tried for a while to live on their diet of milk and maize meal .
5 I 'd rather Lesley had had an abortion and tried for a kid when we were married .
6 Blagg tried for a head shot and missed , felt a punch in the chest that made his knees fold , but he fired again and saw the pistol fall loose .
7 Their necks stretched as they tried for a beak hold .
8 I tried for a job .
9 Pulling herself out of the dazed state into which the woman 's embittered words had thrown her , she tried for a non-committal tone .
10 He says she was greeted by ‘ long faces ’ and a blanket refusal to consider the idea of a separation in any form before the prince and princess tried for a period to resolve their differences .
11 Robert clasped his hands behind his back and tried for a light , bantering tone .
12 Maxim tried for an expression of indifference — tried desperately .
13 Finally after unnecessary cries of ’ Get on with it ’ , they continued the brief first set with yet another track from the album , Tin Drum ; during which Toni tried for an audience call and response .
14 Hundreds of actresses tried for the part in the film which is currently in pre-production in Hollywood .
15 and somehow I do n't know how , but somehow they always knew when the train was being loaded up with tanks and then that was the night we would get a raid and of course , you see , they all ra tried for the station .
16 The judge has power under s 65(1) of the 1984 Act to refer to the district judge or to a referee ( N 280 ) for inquiry and report : ( 1 ) any proceedings which require any prolonged examination of documents or any scientific or local investigation which can not , in the opinion of the judge , conveniently be made before him ; ( 2 ) any proceedings where the question in dispute consists wholly or in part of matters of account ; ( 3 ) with the consent of the parties , any other proceedings ; ( 4 ) subject to any right to have particular cases tried with a jury , any question arising in any proceedings .
17 In addition to these the Court of Appeal has powers to order the retrial of a case tried before a judge alone in the following cases :
18 From 1959 to 1960 a variety of steam shunters were used and tried in the Works ( from Bletchley Shed ) , but none were successful .
19 Between them they are responsible for handling 95 per cent of the criminal cases tried in the country though a few who are convicted in this way ( just over 4,000 in 1999 , which is 1.6 per cent of all indictable offenders convicted in the magistrates ' courts ) are committed to the Crown Court for sentence .
20 there 's a greater pressure of population therefore are you saying that , that land reform might at least on the model tried in the north , might not yield any economic benefits
21 Down the third row of stones he tried in the garden of remembrance , he found the spot where Heather had raised the camera to her eye and captured the second image in the sequence he was seeking to follow .
22 He had been one of the most influential members of Hong Kong 's financial community and was one of the most prominent figures ever tried in the colony .
23 The Shah detested the way in which mossadeq rather than he was coming to symbolize Iran , and he tried in the summer of 1952 to remove him from office .
24 It felt it on the first morning when it came in and I sat on it , I thought well I 'm sure it did n't feel like the one we tried in the shop did n't feel like this but
25 I did n't want to wear glasses , and I was thinking how I could get out of it but finally they brought in a bunch of pairs of glasses and I was trying them on in the mirror , and I tried on a pair and I thought , ‘ Gee , these do n't look too bad ’ .
26 At Wearwithal , Heinrich tried on a pair of pale blue sateen trousers , which fitted tightly .
27 One man came in took all his clothes off , tried on a load of things and walked out in them .
28 The defendant , Ballay and another employee of the shop , named Rai , were arrested and later tried on an indictment the fourth and fifth counts in which charged all three with theft contrary to section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 in respect of the two transactions .
29 The defendant , Ballay and Jatindur Rai , another employee of Bennetts Retail , were arrested and jointly tried on an indictment alleging two counts of handling the stolen cheques against Ballay ( counts 1 and 2 ) , one count of conspiracy ( count 3 , which was not proceeded with ) and two counts of theft of the electrical goods against all the defendants ( counts 4 and 5 ) .
30 One of his favourite instances is the scene in On the Waterfront when Brando , thinking he was between takes , idly tried on the glove that Eva Marie Saint had dropped .
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