Example sentences of "put [art] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 Although he put the poem to one side it still continued to worry him , and in October he explained to Mary Hutchinson that the contemporary situation was such that only good work was appropriate ; bad writing , after all , would seem even more trivial or superfluous .
2 The Hillsborough Relatives ' Association put the idea to football club bosses and a badge is planned as a permanent reminder of the April 1989 tragedy in which 95 people died .
3 But Leo , when she put the idea to him , was aghast .
4 When Piri Pasa put the idea to Selim , however , the latter refused , taking the view that it would be wrong to interfere in the affairs of the two cities , which enjoyed a special standing in the Islamic world and the governing of which had always been in the hands of descendents of the Prophet .
5 ‘ He put the proposition to us that he was forming a unit that would operate behind the lines .
6 He sat down and watched her , fascinated , as she put the bread to her mouth , her eyes closing in a kind of ecstasy when she bit into it .
7 He put the newspaper to one side , then added : ‘ Sit down , take the weight off your feet . ’
8 Vachel , to prove his point , put the monk to the sword , killing him instantly ; then he tipped the cart , complete with contents , into the stream below .
9 On the same afternoon I met with the rail unions and ( loyally supported by Peter Parker ) put the position to them .
10 Henry had been involved in many of these discussions , had indeed had a pint with Dave Sprott to debate the issue , but when Elinor put the question to him he saw , suddenly , how he could not only perform a helpful , neighbourly act , and another last tribute , but also serve something that would , in all senses of the word , Finish 'Em .
11 Galvone put the question to Manescu who stood confidently , hands on his hips , staring at Galvone , never giving a glance in Hauser 's direction .
12 Detective Eddy put the question to Giles Aplin .
13 The two policemen were sitting in the kitchen of Handley Farm when Seb put the question to them .
14 He struggled painfully on to one elbow , guarding his hands , and she put the tankard to his lips .
15 The right hon. Gentleman may not have put it in quite such strong language , but no doubt that was the way in which he put the case to the Cabinet .
16 We now know that Attlee did in fact put the case to the executive , but that only three of its members , all trade union representatives , agreed with him .
17 He put the flask to his lips then gestured dramatically .
18 Robyn put the bottle to her lips again — defiantly , desperately .
19 One sat on Mr Perkes while the other put the knife to his throat before he told them where his dead wife 's jewellery was hidden .
20 She put the barrel to her temple .
21 She put the note to one side , and looked at the final message .
22 " No , thank you , " said Mama , as she put the baby to the other breast .
23 I asked her to let me put the matter to Zacco himself , and let the King decide .
24 Stick up for what you believe — but with calm and intelligence , and when a client can not be persuaded , put the matter to one side .
25 It was 5.33 when he rang through the ‘ train in section ’ and 5.48 when he put the signal to green and heard the train start up .
26 She rolled her eyes at him , put the glass to her lips and drank the brandy , a small nip .
27 As he put the glass to his lips to wash out the thought , his eye caught the soldierly portraits all around , the Divisional insignia above the mantelpiece , the roll of battle honours flanking them on each side , and he had a sudden vision of the mess walls decorated not with these trumpery monuments to man 's stupidity but with the torn and mangled limbs of countless unfortunates and , in the place of honour , Corporal Byford 's shattered , still bleeding leg .
28 He put the glass to his lips and drank the liquid .
29 She would make herself a pot of tea , put the confusion to the back of her mind .
30 The apprentice put the ladle to its mouth , then nodded appreciatively and started back down the ladder as the seneschal continued , going against tradition .
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