Example sentences of "application have [be] make " in BNC.

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1 But how do you find out about whether a planning application has been made in the first place ?
2 As is usual , bookings for holidays advertised in this brochure are accepted subject to the granting of licences by the Civil Aviation Authorities , to whom application has been made .
3 Philip Tickner reported on planning applications , saying that the request to convert a barn at Pingleston into part living accommodation had been refused , and that application has been made to replace a bungalow at Godsfield , with a four bedroomed house .
4 Many kind Friends interest themselves in George Green 's behalf , and I find that by this day 's post an application has been made for a specimen of his hand-writing etc. and a hope held out of a situation ( in a Counting house , I believe ) , but if you were willing to take him , and if it could be arranged in other points , he would greatly prefer being in your establishment to any thing else .
5 An application has been made to the Charity Commissioners for the Bradford Atea Project to be given registered charity status and the association has set itself a target of raising £20,000 during the next 12 months .
6 As the restaurant 's evening opening hours are 19.00 to 21.30 hours , no application has been made for a supper hour certificate or other extension .
7 ‘ In any family proceedings in which a question arises with respect to the welfare of any child , the court may make a section 8 order with respect to the child if — … ( b ) the court considers that the order should be made even though no such application has been made .
8 Affidavit evidence from the appellants , which ought to have been before the judge , has now been put before this court and an application has been made for leave to adduce this as additional evidence on the hearing of the appeal .
9 ( 3 ) At such adjourned meeting the licensing board may , if it is satisfied that the terms specified by the board have been complied with ( a ) proceed to grant the licence to the applicant or , as the case may be , to his executors , representatives or disponees ( being possessed of the premises in respect of which the application has been made ) ; ( b ) proceed to consider the objection , whether on the part of the objector or , in the case of a deceased objector , on the part of his representatives ; as if the preliminary requirements of this Act had been complied with .
10 So far no planning application has been made .
11 An application has been made to establish a hot food shop adjacent to the chip shop .
12 Sec. and helpers were thanked for their efforts in getting the museum started , and application has been made for membership of the Association of Independent Museums .
13 A planning application has been made for the building of a petrol station in the midst of a residential area in my constituency .
14 While that is being done , their families at home , in Zaire , Somalia , Iran , Iraq , or wherever it may be , are in great danger if the authorities in those countries find out that an asylum application has been made in Europe or anywhere else .
15 The Parish Council are of the opinion the satellite dish requires planning approval and it appears that no application has been made .
16 Scorton does have a playing field , but this is administered by the Parish Council and no application has been made to use it for a finishing point .
17 If you have applied for a grant or scholarship and are awaiting the outcome , give the name and address of the body to whom application has been made , and the amount and period applied for .
18 The district judge may extend the period of four months for a further period or periods each not exceeding four months , if reasonable efforts have been made to serve the summons and provided that the application has been made before the preceding 12 months expire , or if later , in the court 's discretion ( Ord 7 , r 20(2) ) .
19 The court also has power to make a s8 order of its own volition even though no application has been made ( s10(1) ( b ) ) .
20 The court can make a contact order when making a care order even though no application has been made ( s34(5) ) .
21 An application has been made once more for July 13 and 14 , but the key factor is the meeting at Killarney which normally clashes with the Maze festival .
22 The County Court Rules , Order 37 , are wide enough in their terms for the further application to have been made before the county court judge .
23 Application had been made for a Winchester city grant to be spent on improving heating in the village hall .
24 The Board gave its blessing to the scheme and in May 1926 , the Minister of Health confirmed that application had been made to the General Nursing Council for approval of St. Peter 's as a training school .
25 Written application had been made in advance , and , except for four theses on loan , all had been collected together for this study either within the thesis area or in the thesis collection area of the Stack , to which access was permitted on this occasion .
26 The application 's been made I did n't want to waste time before making the application and it had been
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