Example sentences of "looks [adv] to the " in BNC.

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1 It is an establishment which distrusts individualism , which prefers to proceed through collaboration , which looks still to the state to redress the workings of the market , to resist centripetal force which the City of London exerts .
2 It turns from Proust 's text and looks outward to the language system in general ; and at the same time it represents de Man 's voice speaking from outside and intruding into Proust 's text .
3 Doug chatters with cold like a little monkey , and Bill looks darkly to the horizon .
4 In such a case , as Lord Haldane said in North Western Salt Co Ltd v Electrolytic Alkali Co Ltd [ 1914 ] AC 461 , the law " still looks carefully to the interests of the public , but it regards the parties as the best judges of what is reasonable as between themselves " .
5 For example , when Lok looks across to the island in the burgeoning spring , a narratorial simile compares the haze of early spring buds to smoke : " there were buds everywhere on the island too , drifts of them like clouds of bright green smoke " ( p. 101 ) .
6 — ‘ in thought I see my past madness ’ ; these two cries are from the Arnaut Daniel speech ending Purgatorio XXVI , where the poet condemned to the circle of lust prays for the hearer 's consideration and looks forward to the release from the to tortures meted out to the lustful .
7 It also looks forward to the later poetry , where the ‘ spirit of the river ’ Mississippi becomes ‘ a strong brown god ’ , while the ‘ spirit of the sea ’ is that of the Atlantic of the New England coast of Eliot 's childhood .
8 While Moses looks forward to the ‘ good ’ to come , their minds are fixed on the ‘ evil ’ of the present .
9 Lisa Stansfield looks forward to the Eighties
10 Although her poetry often speaks of ill health and many times looks forward to the poet 's early death , she died of measles , a sudden illness which she was too weak to withstand .
11 This chapter looks forward to the ‘ new wave ’ and the new decade , but it would be imprudent to plunge into precepts without dwelling on the departing decade of the 1980s .
12 He looks forward to the day when home computers are so widespread that the price for software will drop by 75 per cent .
13 But it is also a hotel which actively looks forward to the future .
14 He particularly looks forward to the new community centre being built and , with a personal interest in sport , is keen that while still remaining a play area , the football field is developed and used for more formal games .
15 Campaign TV John Dugdale looks forward to the night of the swingometer
16 The Lost Prince in particular belongs to a long tradition of didacticism in stones for the young while in its rapid pace and direct style it looks forward to the growing body of junior adventure stones of the late 1920s and the 1930s when children were to play a leading , active part in important , often great events .
17 There is no doubt she feels that she has paid a high price for her royal life and looks forward to the day when she can spend a weekend in Paris or , as she says , ‘ I can run along a beach without a policeman following me ’ .
18 The legislation looks forward to the settled agricultural life of Canaan — Israel 's rebelliousness had not yet condemned her to 40 years in the Sinai peninsula .
19 ‘ But he so looks forward to the Bois .
20 The broader , freer modelling in others , such as the Theseus and Amazon ( fig. 64 ) , looks forward to the classical style .
21 His tough character keeps him in the house and looks forward to the awaiting adventure .
22 We are delighted to welcome Mark and his team to Rentokil , and he looks forward to the many leads which will no doubt be forthcoming .
23 The new Executive looks forward to the future , with a stern brow , a firm hand on the tiller and a will to be successful .
24 Birthtales looks forward to the day when these female experiences are considered to be a valid subjects for inclusion in galleries .
25 George looks back to the past and Nick looks forward to the future .
26 And then he looks forward to the weekends and that .
27 Bill Beaumont looks ahead to the Pilkington Cup final
28 Andrew Steel , Managing Director , looks ahead to the 1990's as a new era where the company can benefit greatly from these latest developments .
29 Graham Hamilton looks ahead to the new hockey season
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