Example sentences of "looks [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He looks through the little hammock in front of him .
2 Yeah that looks about the right sort of thing , cos it was fifty ohms and we 've put , I mean it 's not that much small you know it 's not going to let , it should let about half as much through as that lets through this should n't it ?
3 Indeed , Norris looks for a possible rapprochement between deconstruction and the Anglo-American philosophical tradition exemplified by Searle , though he finds that Derrida has more possible affinities with Searle 's master , Austin .
4 TIM SWALES : Looks for a good season
5 His home is presently in Kidderminster from where he weekly commutes while he looks for a new house in the local area .
6 It actually looks for a lowest point , not a summit .
7 In such a culture , knowledge is superseded by wisdom , which looks for a total view of life , seeking to come to terms with its essential suffering and aspiring [ in Goethe 's words ] to " live resolutely in wholeness and fullness " .
8 When a child looks for a particular size box or a piece of material of a certain colour or texture , he is taking early steps towards sorting .
9 Jemima Puddle-Duck looks for a quiet spot .
10 The second wave occurs at puberty when the young person looks for a sexual partner , and if there has been minimum conflict during the phallic phase this is of the opposite sex .
11 In addressing them he utters no words of condemnation as he does in the case of the scribes and Pharisees , yet he nevertheless looks for an unconditional and wholehearted response from them .
12 He always looks for the best in people or in any given situation .
13 For example , take Tokai 's notorious early '80s Fender copies : at long last , affordable , pro-quality guitars with classic looks for the impoverished working musician .
14 If one looks for the perfect image of a great country seat in the Victorian novel , it is hard to better this one , seen by middle-class eyes which have no place in the picture they present to the reader :
15 It looks for the Highest Common Factor ( HCF ) and seeks to promote that .
16 She 's quick , determined , and looks for the good things in life .
17 It looks for the new round of retrenchments to have a positive effect on 1993 profits , but ca n't forecast them .
18 From there it looks for the infra-red ‘ signature ’ of a rocket 's exhaust .
19 It is to the Standard that one looks for the first record of all .
20 When the computer is trying to save a new file to a disc , it looks for the first available fragment of space , writes as much of the new file as will fit , then looks for another available fragment of space , writes a bit more , and so on until all the file is written somewhere on the disc .
21 Keener looks for the right sound rather than dictating where microphones should be .
22 And that 's where engineering you know , knowledge , comes er to bear because an engineer looks for that , he looks for the easy , simplest you know er method of production er which gives him an effective er machining operation throughout the whole job .
23 Looks FOR THE 90s
24 Looks FOR THE 90s
25 Looks FOR THE 90S
26 Just as PageMaker provides almost infinite control over each element of each page so Ventura looks after the complete document .
27 With birds and mammals it is nearly always the female that looks after the young , without the help of the male , but many fish reverse this procedure , with all parental duties being carried out by the males , as in the case of nest-building sticklebacks and pouch-carrying seahorses .
28 Even the few examples we have seen illustrate how species with biparental care tend to be monogamous , species in which only the female looks after the young tend to be polygynous , and species in which only the males care for the young tend to be polyandrous .
29 The borough council already looks after the eastern end of the ruined priory which was the first Augustinian monastery .
30 Barclays says it looks after the financial affairs of some 150 ‘ high technology ’ companies in Cambridge : three years ago the figure was 15 .
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