Example sentences of "thought have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thomas Garvine ( possibly an early version of the surnames Garven and Girvan common in Ayrshire at present ) is thought to have been born about 1685 , in or near Kilmarnock , although the Earl of Loudoun 's intervention on his behalf suggests that he may have had an Irvine valley connection .
2 Since that time , more than 20,000 babies are thought to have been born as a result of this technique .
3 Police say it may have been unoccupied , and no-one else is thought to have been injured .
4 Later in my visit I travelled to a village where AIDS victims had been left to rot in a hut because they were thought to have been bewitched .
5 The initial interest of political researchers into the question of what to do with the regions came about , it must be said , not out of concern for neglected political interests in the periphery ( what Tarrow refers to as ‘ regionalism as peripheral defence ’ ) but because of a trend thought to have been observed in modern politics which seemed to go to the heart of the functioning of modern political systems .
6 The indemnity was described simply as a payment ‘ for making peace ’ , but it has been pointed out that the sum of £20,000 is close to the amount thought to have been extorted by the Scots from the northern counties of England over the years since Bannockburn , and the payment may have been seen as compensation for the destruction wrought in the north .
7 But the bust-up between model Rebecca and gym boss Damon is thought to have been kept secret from former Test ace Freddie — just like their marriage .
8 The sacred tree cult mentioned earlier led to the building of enclosure walls round individual trees or groups of trees thought to have been visited by deities .
9 It is thought to have been built by the Earls of Ross in about 1590 and a new wing , including a brewhouse and bakery , added in 1623 .
10 The mill is first mentioned in the first part of the 17th century and is thought to have been built around 1620 , although clearly much of the present building is of a later date .
11 Parish Mill is thought to have been built around the beginning of the 18th century and , later in its life , formed part of the property of The Charity Trustees of Longhope .
12 The present building was originally a corn mill , and is thought to have been built around the mid-18th century .
13 This is the brick constructed remains of a hunting lodge , thought to have been built by Ralph Cromwell , the Lord Treasurer .
14 Supplied by Edwin Foden , Engineers of Sandbach in Cheshire , it is thought to have been built around 1870 .
15 However , the attack , which was thought to have been planned for Kiechle 's 60th birthday party on March 3 in Bavaria , had not taken place and a further letter from the RAF stated that it had been called off due to a " mistake in co-ordination " .
16 Venezia are thought to have been altered slightly .
17 Mrs Ellen Morpeth is thought to have been overcome by fumes after the chair she was sitting on caught fire .
18 At least one of the Rover 's headlights shattered and Di 's bumper was thought to have been damaged .
19 The Windsor drawing is thought to have been completed in Rome about 1513 , shortly before Leonardo 's death in 1517 .
20 Like the earlier incidents the raid was thought to have been motivated by a desire within the Papuan military to cut fuel supplies to the Bougainville rebels .
21 These had been thought to have been indicated by the British prime minister in a speech at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London on 7 September 1992 .
22 The movement 's much-feared " sparrow " units , urban guerrillas specializing in assassinations , were also thought to have been weakened significantly through arrests and the degeneration of some units into criminality .
23 There was some indication that the congress , originally thought to have been scheduled for May , had been postponed until June .
24 The CDU 's showing was thought to have been affected by the allegations against Bartoncik on the eve of the elections .
25 Their discoveries have worrying implications for the 600,000 people thought to have been affected by the release of radiation .
26 The maximum height thought to have been reached during this period is 2,000m .
27 A key stage in human evolution is thought to have been reached when our ancestors moved towards hunting of large prey , doing so in groups and bringing the meat back to the campsite to share with others .
28 The earliest cetaceans are thought to have been related to primitive ungulates or hoofed mammals , who returned to the sea some 50 million years ago .
29 Telephone lines to the property are also thought to have been cut .
30 In days of old , he was thought to have been ridden by one of the Foawr , fabled giants who threw stones at the earth as they passed overhead .
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