Example sentences of "rules for the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The construction of a generative grammar represents an attempt to formulate a system of rules for the formation of the sentences of a language .
2 One answer might be for the EC to agree rules for the recycling of packaging that would reduce such disruption .
3 Saint-Léon laid down certain rules for the staging of character dance based on the traditional folk dance of a particular country .
4 According to Searle , the Westerner can come to learn and appreciate the rules for the symbol handling but will never understand meanings of the Chinese symbols .
5 Once cases disposed of by two judges under the new rules for the determination of final appeals become common , there will , no doubt , be an attempt to extend the decision in Boys v.
6 The draft rules for the asylum appeals procedure were issued unfinished so as to aid discussion .
7 These two requirements were first established by Greek playwrights and were later codified by the Académie Française ( 1635 ) when it laid down rules for the composition of any literary work .
8 All these factors served him as rules for the composition of the blends .
9 There are , however , no set rules for the composition of such staff groups within and across schools and school services , variations to the theme being as numerous as the institutions they are to serve .
10 This power , ostensibly the exercise of discretion by an individual constable , has in practice hardened into a set of rules for the management of industrial disputes .
11 Rules for the Dragon Bow are also given below .
12 No monarch has refused to dissolve Parliament in modern times and the Queen has , in recent years , been relieved of any real responsibility as to the choice of Prime Minister as the various political parties have now clearly defined rules for the election of a leader .
13 The ministers could not agree on rules for the return to Germany of illegally exported waste .
14 Critical of Lloyd 's rules for the construction of iron steamships , he was appointed a member of the Board of Trade load-line committee in 1884 .
15 ( b ) Construction The general rules for the construction of contracts apply to exclusion clauses in just the same way as to other clauses .
16 By attempting to create rules for the exercise of power , the people subject to it have some hope of being able to control it and to make it legitimate in their own eyes .
17 Analysis is designed to determine how advanced any adult or child is in respect of learning the grammatical rules for the generation of complex sentences .
18 Because the rules for the generation of the various phonemes are built into the equipment itself the user is usually able to give the system a list of the phonemes which are then spoken .
19 As they are foreign nationals , the Department of Transport are also unable to bring any action under the International Rules for the Prevention of Collision at Sea .
20 In common with several top players , Lendl is less than enamoured of the delays in promulgating a set of rules for the Tour which meet the desires of the competitors .
21 No discussion of tribunals can ignore the impact of the Report of the Franks Committee , which is still viewed as laying down the ground rules for the operation of tribunals .
22 What they are not , of course , are rules for the assignment of some number system .
23 Hopefully , Hiatts will reassure us that he will strive to abide by Rule 33 of the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners .
24 Whereas it is therefore necessary to establish common rules for the licensing by Member States of the construction and operation of the generating installations and transmission and distribution lines and to take such other steps as are required in order to ensure the effective functioning of the internal market .
25 The Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee adopted at its Seventh Session in 1965 a set of Model Rules for the Service of Judicial Process and the Recording of Evidence in Civil and Commercial Cases .
26 ‘ Be always ready , according to your power to relieve the poor and help the distressed … ’ is a quote from The Rules for the Conduct of Life , a copy of which is given to all new Freemen — or perhaps it should now be Freepersons .
27 These orders will give him the rules for the conduct of debate and committee work .
28 The need for a verifying procedure is not displaced by the existence of legal rules for the conduct of police investigations .
29 The simplest form of such a rule is that which empowers an individual or body of persons to introduce new primary rules for the conduct of the life of the group , or of some class within it , and to eliminate old rules …
30 ( 9 ) The Court of Session may , by act of sederunt , make rules for the conduct of proceedings under this section .
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