Example sentences of "gives it the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This gives it the versatility of a Strat or Les Paul and with the power of the untapped HFS pickups it really is the best of both worlds .
2 The federal civil service is the only part of Canadian society which remotely approaches the bilingual and bicultural ideal : this isolates it from real life in Canada and gives it the tendency , like the Prussian army , to believe that it is the sole repository of national values .
3 This ability of homoeopathy to go back into a patient 's medical history gives it the edge over orthodox drugs which only mask the problem .
4 Toughened glass is glass which has been heat treated to make it four to five times stronger than normal glass , but which gives it the characteristic that , should it break , it does so in harmless tiny fragments rather than the dangerous slivers associated with normal glass .
5 The double X gives it the chance to be red and black , while the Y gives it male characteristics .
6 And it is this regular aerobic routine that speeds up the body by increasing its metabolic rate and gives it the ability to shed those extra pounds .
7 This gives it the ability to read and analyse difficult forms such as facsimile copies and folded or smudged paper , and to learn .
8 This gives it the feel of a heavy craft knife or pencil , making fine texturing easier on the elbow .
9 There 's some really horrible strippers — which gives it the feel of a really grim hen party or stag night .
10 The company says the deal gives it the opportunity to distribute financial information to clients ' branch offices by using their own hardware and networks .
11 Its habit of growing in dense tufts gives it the appearance of grass growing under water .
12 Physics is interesting in having connotations of both : as a physical science , its discoveries ( and the skills it gives to its graduates ) have obvious uses for industry ; while its status as a ‘ pure ’ rather than an ‘ applied ’ science gives it the appearance of being removed from the uses to which it may be put .
13 It 's the mountain water that gives it the taste .
14 What gives it the illusion of immediacy and modernity is the sense of movement and vitality , and the spontaneity of the individual craft workers .
15 The equation is represented as natural , and that gives it the force of commonsense .
16 The four British associations each has a vote on the board , with Fifa having four of its own , which gives it the power of veto but guards against the laws being riddled with crackpot theories — such as making the goals bigger .
17 The difference between a living organism and one just newly dead is that something which we call life has departed , something which we can neither see , hear , smell , touch , weigh or in any physical sense quantify , but which animates and directs the physical organism while it is alive , and gives it the power to counteract the forces of disintegration and decay .
18 Even if one accepts this view of the social role of a doctrine of justice , and gives it the priority Rawls assigns to it , his conclusions are not supported by his arguments for at least three reasons .
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