Example sentences of "exactly as [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 His reactions affected me exactly as hers had done .
2 We reap exactly as we sow . ’
3 As film viewers , we have learnt this ‘ grammar ’ subliminally , exactly as we learnt the grammar of language subliminally .
4 Passing Wattisham we identify Stowmarket ( R ) and look for a specific road/railway junction ( S ) , which turns up exactly as we expected it .
5 ‘ Seems that everyone appreciated the joke and took it exactly as we intended them to , even your friend Lewis in the end . ’
6 Life is exactly as we have created it .
7 The two figures have been kind of squelched together just as in , in Exodus there are two , sorry in erm in er Genesis there are two er Garden of Eden stories so they claim there are two Moses figures who have been erm as it were compounded together , but both of them says Freud were powerful religious leaders and they probably did give their followers moral principles , perhaps not exactly as we have but something very like it and so Freud is not sceptical about that .
8 Therefore , we do not have to make any firm representations to the German Government in such matters ; they feel exactly as we do about them .
9 Life , according to metaphysics , is exactly as we want it to be .
10 The more responsibility we take for our lives , the more power we have to create life exactly as we want it to be .
11 Even the Wolfe Tone Societies , the one section of the republican movement which had a well-worked-out strategy for the civil rights movement , were unable to implement their plans exactly as they had intended .
12 And there at Stamford , the beautiful town that Celia Fiennes and Defoe had admired so much remained almost exactly as they had seen it : but fossilised , moribund .
13 The wallpaper , the chair , the tiny desk , the narrow bed : all were exactly as they had always been .
14 ‘ The joy was therefore extreme ’ wrote Scott later , ‘ when , the ponderous lid of the chest being forced open , the regalia were discovered lying at the bottom covered with linen cloths , exactly as they had been left . ’
15 I just thought I should do exactly as they said .
16 At the halfway point ( shown by a vertical dotted line ) the parts move backwards in retrograde to end exactly as they began , thus making a ‘ mirror ’ form ( as in all the succeeding variations and coda ) .
17 ‘ No , we 've decided to leave that for the owners to do up exactly as they wish .
18 Dostoevsky has an impudent way of making his narrator declare ‘ As a chronicler I confine myself to presenting events exactly as they happened , and it 's not my fault if they appear incredible ’ — like the son of the house writing home about his time on the North-West Frontier of India .
19 After hearing that they had been attending a high school graduation party , they were released by the judge on the condition that they were each driven to their parents ' home exactly as they appeared in court — with only a blanket for
20 They would be cooked into a greasy stew with vegetables and served up looking exactly as they did when they were raw : pale and nauseatingly realistic , with the toes and claws intact .
21 They were as relaxed as you 'd expect a couple of dogs to be in the midday sun in the West Indies and clearly had life exactly as they wanted it .
22 Forenames should be printed in full exactly as they appear on your birth certificate and/or passport ;
23 You can not expect to be asked the questions exactly as they appear here and you will be badly thrown if you have programmed yourself with exact responses to very particular questions which do not crop up in the way you had anticipated .
24 Unfortunately the jagged beams and stepped curves print out exactly as they appear on screen .
25 Fed up with living in ‘ little boxes all the same ’ , they want to stamp their own personality on an older building and have the chance to lovingly shape a new home exactly as they want .
26 The best feature of Dashboard is the Customisation , where every user can modify the ‘ look and feel ’ of their day-to-day Windows desktop exactly as they want it .
27 There is no uniform or objective way of reporting events in all their detail , exactly as they happen in the real world ; the structure of each language highlights , and to a large extent preselects , certain areas which are deemed to be fundamental to the reporting of any experience .
28 The room was exactly as she 'd left it — shoes in the middle of the floor , the overall she wore for doing the bedrooms thrown over the back of the chair .
29 Six days later , by the following Wednesday evening , she was able not only to lift the cigar up into the air but also to move it around exactly as she wished .
30 If she had n't known her twin better , Dana 's mask of sophistication could have wounded her deeply , particularly when she persisted in being so sure that Roman would do exactly as she wished .
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